July 1995

184 9 1

Lucy looked down at their fingers intertwined as they walked through the long grass and felt a surge of heat flow through her. She felt Draco's body turn around and they stood face to face. She looked up to him as her heart rate picked up and her body felt warm and tingly.

With one swift movement, Draco placed one hand on Lucy's waist and one behind her neck and laid her down onto the grass.

Leaning over her, Lucy held onto Draco's arms as he leant down and kissed her.

The two embraced in a passionate kiss, caressing each other's body's, before Draco pulled away and swiftly placed Lucy back on her feet.

She hadn't even had time to comprehend what had happened as Draco grabbed her hand again and continued down the path, as she heard laughing coming from behind her. She looked over her shoulder as Grayson and Cassius were making their way to the manor as well.

Draco led the way inside and the two of them stayed silent as they ran upstairs into Lucy's bedroom. Lucy shut the door behind her and finally caught her breath. They both listened for a moment as Grayson and Cassius passed her bedroom door to go to his room outside in the hall.

Draco and Lucy locked eyes and within seconds Draco had closed the space between the two and had Lucy pinned against her door, both hands holding her face as he brought his lips to hers and slid his tongue into her welcoming mouth. Lucy moaned as she grabbed Draco by his shirt collar, trying to pull him closer to her and sunk further into the kiss.

Before long, the two of them had wandered aimlessly over to her bed and had laid on top, with Draco leaning over Lucy as they continued kissing.

Without any warning, Lucy's door swung open and Draco and Lucy sat upright instantaneously, watching the doorway as Cassius stood there, watching them.

"What are you doing?" Lucy snapped, frowning at him.

"Oh, sorry. I thought this was the bathroom." Cassius replied, looking inside her room. Lucy felt a wave of frustration and got to her feet, walking over to Cassius she grabbed the door.

"Well, it's clearly not." She said, before closing the door, almost too hard. She sighed in annoyance and turned to see Draco standing. "You're not leaving are you?" She asked, almost whining to him.

"I better. That," Draco said, pointing to the door, "has spoiled my mood." He finished. Lucy heard the frustration and annoyance in his voice loud and clear and nodded in disappointment.

"Okay." She said, giving him a half smile before stepping out of the way of the door and watched him as he made is way over to her, and grabbed the door handle.

"I'll see you soon." He said, before swiftly opening the door and walking out, leaving Lucy alone in her room once again.

Lucy shut the door behind him and sunk to the floor, her head in her hands as she groaned in annoyance.

After a few minutes, she got up and shook off thefeeling before heading for the shower and eventual sleep

The next week while Alissa and Reuben were out, Ellion kept to himself in his study when he was home, so Lucy hardly saw him much. Grayson went back and forth from the manor, one day he and Cassius were hanging out in the Parcivall Manor, the next he was with Cassius at his house instead.

Lucy hadn't heard anything from Draco and was beginning to wonder what he was doing but kept herself distracted with books and schoolwork.

Lucy wandered down to outside her father's study, he had been home working for a couple of days and Lucy hated interrupting him.

She took a deep breath before finding the courage to knock on his door.

The Slytherin Princess - Year FiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora