Eleven - Fifteen

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- Federico!, I cried.
I kneeled down and lifted Federicos head on my knee.
- Federico..., I whispered, trying to hold back my tears.
He didn't answer. I slowly put down his head again and stood up.
- Why, why did you do that?!, I cried.
Tears were now streaming down my cheeks. For the first time in my life
I didn't care about how I looked. I just wanted Federico to be ok and
Tomas to get out of my life. Tomas had his mouth open like to say
something, but didn't. I looked back at Federico and started to repeat
three words over and over in my head as I closed my eyes. "Please wake
up, please wake up" Like he could read my thoughts he slowly moved his
hand and took mine. I sat down besides him as he slowly began to open
his eyes. He once again moved his hand, and this time he placed it on
my cheek.
- I love you..., he wispered.
- I love you to, I whispered back


Fran's POV
- Hey what is it?, I ask Cami, who just as she use to, stares at
Brodway. She has been like this for about one week now.
- It just...we never talk...is there something I need to do?, she
signs still staring.
- You don't need to do anyting at all. To forget about that, why don't
you, I and Marco. We could all take one friend with us. What do you
- Sure and thanks for being there for me.
- That's just what friends is for.
Camlia starts to walk off to Broadway, but in an weird way. She sneaks
like she doesn't want him to see her. I come on other thoughts when I
suddenly spot Tomas who's walking in through the doors.
- Tomas!, I cry and run up to him.
- Hi Fran, long time no see, he says and smiles slightly.
- To long...
Then we didn't say anything more. We just stood there and stared down
on the floor, or at least I did. I didn't know were Tomas was looking.
- Hi Fran, Marco suddenly says that makes me lift my head.
- Who's this?, he asks and looks at Tomas.
- I'm Tomas and you?, Tomas answers.
- I'm Marco..., Marco began but Diego cut him off.
- Are you that Tomas?, he says.
Vilu must have talked about Tomas with Diego. I don't want them to
start an fight in here, so I don't let them say anything.
- Marco can't Tomas come with us to the cinema?, I say pretty nervous.
Marco looks a little bit unsure but finally answers "Ok" I smile and
give him an hug. This is going to be great! Tomas is back and then it
can only get better. Right.


Violetta's POV

Leon parking the car outside the cinema. He looks happy and i gets
happy to see him smile. He jumps out and fast gets over to my side and
opend the door for me.

"Thanks" i says.

"I do everything for my queen" Then he takes my hand in his and we
walks in to the cinema.

The time is now seven and my dad wants me to come home latest at nine.
But Angie came into us and dad listed to her and then he says that i
could be out to eleven.

Leon opends the door for me and our hands parted. Everyone was here
and they all looked at the movie's.

"So what are we gonna watch?" Leon asks and they all says different thinks.

Me, fran and Cami wanted to see a romantic, Leon, Brodway and Marco
wanted to watch an scary movie. We all looked at Diego that's looked
back at us.

He got to choose movie.

"eh..I think i got whit the boys" Me, fran and cami sigh. Scary movie
is not one of my favorites because it's make SCARED.

"Leon do I really have to watch this?"

"No you could stay here but it's boring. If you're sceard then hold me
hand or hug me or whatever you want to" he says and I hug him.

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