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Wen Chao!!!


Wei Ying's eyes grew a dark red in color. He and Lan Zhan had been sent to Qinghe Nie as they've heard a very alarming news. What awaited them was pure terror. The ones Wen Qing was talking about, thwe ones who escaped Qishan were now laying dead right outside a tomb in the Qinghe territory.

Everyone had signs on their bodies of strangling, slashing, and even using of wips. It was horrible. Some were mangled up to no recognition at all. There were body parts as well.

"I see you've seen my masterpiece." The whole group surrounding Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked up alert. Right above them just sitting on a tree was the youngest son of Wen Ruohan, Wen Chao. Known for his misdeeds and attraction to beautiful women, he was also known for his temper.

Standing beside him was Wen Zhulio a very formidable opponent with great fighting skills. He was known as Wen Chao's right hand and loyal dog.


"Hah. You got guts calling me a bastard. Wen Zhulio....Kill them." Wen Chao laughed before turning serious. He turned to the man beside him before ordering which the dog followed in a heartbeat. Jumping down from the tree a fight began.

This time Wei Ying took Wen Zhulio's attack head on. He wouldn't allow the others to get hurt or worse killed. Not when he's around to stop it.

"Can't believe the son of Wem Ruohan is a coward. Hiding behind his dog for protection. Laughable isn't it. It shows just how weak you are." Wei Ying said as he blocked all of Wen Zhulio's attacks. He was clearly provoking Wen Chao into battling hin instead of his dog.

"YOU!!" Wen Chao was clearly provoked but not to the point of dealing with Wei Ying himself.

"Talk all you want. In the end Qishan will win and you'll all be bowing down to us like the dogs you were supposed to be."

"Ha. You talk big, yet they are merely words from a coward. You think I'll let Qishan win. I'll make sure to leave nothing behind for you or your future kids to rebuild." Wei Ying delivered a strong blow that Wen Zhulio couldn't avoid easily. He took the hit immobilizing him for a good 1 hour, enough time to torture Wen Chao.

"Tsk. Such weak dog you have. Now let's deal with it's owner." Cracking his knuckles and neck Wei Ying slowly moved towards the tree Wen Chao was perched at. He delivered one punch on the tree making it fall over along with Wen Chao who began panicking.

"I thought the sons of the mighty Alpha King are all powerful. Tsk, turns out not all of them are that great especially you Wen Chao. What would your Father think about this. He'll surely be disappointed knowing his Alpha son lost to a mere omega." Wei Ying kept provoking Wen Chao clearly wanting to anger him more.

Wei Ying doesn't even plan to let Wen Chao live after what he and Wen Zhulio had done. He wants to torture them until they beg.

"Let's see how you can still talk after I'm done with you. Wen Zhulio!" Wen Chao angrily said as he yeled for his loyal dog, the said guy quickly standing beside him even with such a blow from Wei Ying.


Wei Ying quickly deflected an attack from Wen Zhulio who's targeting the rest instead of Wei Ying himself.

"I'm your opponent here dog, not them." Slowly each fingertip started glowing red as Wei Ying's eyes glowed red. His face void of any emotion making him look more scarier.

"For all those deeds you've done wrong, it's time to pay for the consequences." Wei Ying slowly pointed a finger to Wen Zhulio's chest sending him flying back hitting a few trees along the way.

"DIE!" Wen Zhulio vomited a mouthful of blood as he tried standing up. Suddenly a red barrier formed around Lan Zhan and the others leaving Wei Ying standing outside the barrier. He was still attacking Wen Zhulio while also making sure that Wen Chao doesn't run away like the coward he is.

"WEN ZHULIO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? FIGHT HIM. KILL HIM." Wen Chao angrily shouted as he watched his bodyguard get beaten up by a mere omega. He was furious, wanting to get away already but something was stopping him. His body felt heavy, like it's stuck.


"Easy. First of all I'm not just gonna let a scum like you go. I'll make sure you pay for what you did to those innocent people." Wei Ying angrily said as he gritted his teeth rushing to Wen Chao. He held him up by his neck, choking him with his death grip.

"Why don't we surprise your father with a gift."

Two yells were heard as Wei Ying tortured Wen Chao and Wen Zhulio. Giving them a very slow and painful, agonizing death. Even so he was still angry. Not at them anymore but at himself for coming too late. If he could've came earlier he would've saved them.

Now the only pureblood Wens remaining are Wen Ruohan and his two other sons, Wen Qing and Wen Ning as well as Wen Yuan.

"You. Pack up their bodies and send them as a gift to Wen Ruohan. I want to make sure he gets the message with his son's body." Red eyes still glowing, Wei Ying quickly ordered one of the warriors with them who complied without a word.

"The rest please carry the fallen Wens. We'll bring them back and Wen Qing will be the one to decide where to bury them."

"Wei Ying?"

"Not now Lan Zhan. I'm still angry and I might lose control if sonething triggers me. I'll be letting off some steam for now. Wait here with the others." With that Wei Ying walked off. Going farther to make sure he doesn't harm anyone.

His anger was still their, like a boiling water waiting to spill. He was seething with anger deep inside. He wanted to kill Wen Ruohan now but that can wait. He can't just simply march into Wen territory like he owns the place. That would be suicide knowing the Wens aren't just known as the strongest by name.

Wen Ruohan was Alpha King for a reason too. Cause out of all the packs Qishan outnumbers the others by a huge number of people and manpower. For now the bodies of Wen Chao and Wen Zhulio are enough.

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