Leviathan-Secrets Exposed (SFW)

Start from the beginning

I'd come to realize the reason I was so actively avoiding him was because I loved Levi. That text I got opened my eyes to my feelings, and now I couldn't stop the butterflies, mixed with hurt every time I saw him.

At the moment, I was peeking around corners of the house making sure he wasn't around before I crept down to the kitchen to make myself a snack. Luck was on my side; he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Once I finally reached the kitchen I relaxed as I realized Beel was there. Even if Levi approached me now, with Beel here I could make a getaway.

Beel looked over the fridge at me in recognition.

"Oh y/n, it's only you. I was worried it was Lucifer coming to make sure I wasn't eating everything again."

I smiled half-heartedly at him, sudden exhaustion catching up to me from my antics. He must have noticed because he was looking at me with concern as he shut the fridge and approached.

"Y/n, are you alright?"

It was Beel, so I knew if I told him I was fine he'd leave it alone. Yet, I found myself wanting nothing more than to finally spill to someone. After a second, I decided I'd tell him some of the truth.

"It's Levi. I've been avoiding him."

He tilted his head in confusion, sending an image of a puppy into my mind. "Did he do something?"

"No, it's not really his fault. It's just...I took something differently than he meant it. And we cleared up the misunderstanding but now I know how he really feels about it, I can't quite meet his eyes. It's my problem, and I feel so bad about avoiding him but I don't feel like I can handle it right now."

Beel nodded, serious look on his face. "Well, I think I understand how you could feel that way. But if it's a problem knowing how he feels about whatever it is, don't you think it's be better to confront him? If you face him, then you're also facing your issues and telling them they don't have a hold over you. Maybe then you'll be able to move on."

I was shocked by the sage words of advice that came from him. Beel wasn't normally a demon who took things too seriously. He usually let things roll right off and I didn't know he'd listen so closely and know how to handle this.

"...you're right. I just need to get myself together first. Maybe in the next couple of days I'll be able to start going back to normal. Thanks Beel."

I smiled and hugged him spontaneously. He hugged me back and smiled back when I pulled away.

"I'm glad I could help. Also, if you were coming down for a snack you should know I ate everything." I chuckled and nodded. I should have known.

I said goodnight and began walking back to my room, feeling a little bit more lighthearted. Once I finally made it to my room, I jumped in surprise when I saw none other than Levi standing in front of my door, staring at me. I had no way to avoid him now.

"Levi...what are you doing here?" I asked quietly, standing several feet from him.

"You've been ignoring me."

When he didn't say anything else and simply kept his beautiful orange eyes on me I fidgeted.

"Yeah, I guess I have."

"Can we go in to talk?" He asked stepping aside to clear my path to my door.

I opened my mouth to refuse, but realized I probably owed it to him no matter how awkward it felt to be alone with him like that since I'd recognized my feelings. I nodded and stepped forward, opening my door and walking through. I moved to my bed and sat down, looking at my hands. He stepped in behind me and shut the door, making me feel even more nervous.

As he turned around, his gaze seemed intent on something and I wasn't sure what to make of it.

"I thought that you'd finally gotten tired of me. I've been waiting for that ever since we made our pact, after all," I shook my head and was about to refute when he cut me off and continued, "but then I heard you talking to Beel just now."

A pregnant pause filled the room as I mentally berated myself. I was so dead. Why did I go talking about it anywhere Levi could have been?

He walked forward and took a seat on my bed next to me. "It's about that text, isn't it?" He prompted gently.

I was too scared to see what expression he might have, so I kept my eyes trained on my pink and white bedsheet and hesitantly nodded. I heard him sigh deeply.

"Why did that hurt so much for you to avoid me? You knew how I felt about you, and if you were upset then does that mean you wanted..." he trailed off and I could practically hear the puzzle coming together in his mind.

I knew I shouldn't avoid it anymore. I decided to just say it. "After that whole incident, I realized I...love you." I whispered the last two words, not willing to hear them echo around the room as I said them out loud for the first time. "And you don't feel the same way—"

I cut myself off when I finally looked up and saw him blushing the deepest shade of red and grinning like a fool while trying to hide his face behind his hands. I knew he wasn't the kind of demon to get a kick out of my humiliating myself, so I had no idea why he was reacting this way.

"Y/n...when I said those things after Belphie...I didn't...I wasn't..." He wasn't looking at me now and I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"What Levi? If you're trying to let me down easy, just tell me."

His gaze shot up at me again, though he looked away shyly. "No, I...Y/n, Belphie didn't just make up those texts. They were in my drafts already." He whispered, peeking at me.

My face crumpled in confusion. They were in his drafts? "What do you mean?"

He cleared his throat nervously. "I wrote those words for you, but I was too scared to send them. Belphie stole my phone and saw them there and decided to do it for me."

Understanding was dawning on me. "So does that mean you do...?"

He grinned, blush still reaching the tips of his ears. "Yes, I love you Y/n. More than anything."

A wide smile spread on my face and I felt joy settle on my heart. "I love you too Levi."

He leaned forward slightly and glanced down at my lips. I was so happy that I didn't want to wait for him to muster the courage, so I quickly leaned forward and gently kissed his lips. His lips were still against mine for a moment until the shock ran its course, then he pressed more firmly against me and began moving his mouth against mine. His tongue gently probed my lips and I gave way for him. He explored my mouth as I moved with him until we were both out of breath.

We finally pulled away from one another and he blushed even harder.
"Sorry, was that too much? I'm just so happy."

I grinned. "No, that was perfect. I'm happy too. I love you Levi."

"I love you too, Y/n."

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