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You were doing a bit of painting at night before you and your brother were on your way to the arcade, that had opened up few months back.

Dustin was desperate and was almost turning the house upside down searching for some coins. "Shit, shit, shit" you heard him saying over again. "Y/N! please, I need some money" he was begging you... again. This was the third time he has asked you to give him some money, and this was the third time you refused. "No! Those are MY savings, if you decided to waste yours on video games, that's your problem!" you glanced at him from your sketchbook.

He groaned and turned back into the living room. You thought it for a while, and decided to go into your old piggy bank, that you had completely forgotten. It was at very back of your closet, with a few boxes of old books or things from school. 5$ exactly you had, counting all coins.

It was more than enough for the arcade. So, you put your pencils and notebook aside and went to the living room, where Dustin was pleading your mom to stand up from the couch so he could look under it. "Hey, dipshit." you said, leaning on the wall with your arms crossed. "Yeah, what?" he didn't turned around. "Oh, nothing. Just saying that I had 5 dollars in hand to give you, BUT, looks like you're not interested so..." you said in a sarcastic matter, for later Dustin spin around and go to you. "no, no, no, no! I AM! I am interested, pleaaaseeee." he was basically on his knees right now. "alrite, they're all yours." you said, extending your hand and letting the coins fall into Dustin's hand.

"Thanks!" he said, with his cheerful and toothy smile. "Also, can we maybe go in your bike?" he asked you. "Fine, but you gotta use this then." you went to your room and grabbed a helmet, that had a few D&d character draw in it that you had painted. "holy shit." Dustin was speechless at the sight of such masterpiece. "Wait until the guys see this" he said with his smile and went to his room.

"And remember honey, you gotta come back by curfew. Okay?" your mom said, sitting back down with Mews on her lap. "Yeah, yeah. I know" you said, now grabbing your helmet. And going outside.

For Christmas, your mom gave you a black Yamaha motorcycle with two sits. You had been wanting one since they had released these designs. You got on it, and turned it on. The way to motor purred gave you shivers, always.

Dustin was taking a bit long to come out so you honked two times. "Dustin, come on!" you yelled from your bike. Dustin rushing out the door with his bag and helmet "I'm coming, I'm coming!" he said while placing his helmet on his head and getting on the second sit your bike had. "Ready?" you said looking back at him. "Let's go." he said, and you drove off.

Of course that when you got to the arcade, everyone had his eyes on you. Well, not necessarily you, but on your motorcycle.
Known as the probably only person in Hawkins that had a motorbike that wasn't the police. You two left your helmets and went with the Lucas and Mike, that had just arrived on their bikes.

While Lucas and Mike were admiring Dustin's helmet, you saw Joyce's car arriving with Will. "Hey, Mrs. Byers." you greeted her as you got close to the car. "Oh, hey Y/N. Are you gonna stay with the boys?" she asked you, Will getting out of the car. "You bet I am." you said with a smile. Will went with the group, saying one last goodbye to his mom from afar "You want me to keep an eye on him?" you asked her, before she could leave "If you could, thank you" she thanked before heading off.

All of us were surrounding one of the arcade machines, while Dustin was playing Dragon's Lair. He's been trying to beat this game almost five times now. "No! No! No! I hate this overpriced bullshit!" Dustin exclaimed as he lost the game... again. "You're not nimble enough. But youll get there one day." Lucas said, looking at your brother with a smug grin "But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine." he said now pointing at the character on screen.

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