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The Bite

And so, you were running. Your mind felt numb and you weren't really catching up on what was going on. You would get hit by a wall now and then when you made a turn, but you were doing good... considering you were just drugged by evil Russians.

Robin helped you get in the back of a small van Dustin had stolen. "Woah, you ok?" she said, noticing the red in your eyes. "Those motherfuckers gave me something, I don't know" you chuckled. "Oh, boy" she sighed.

Steve was finishing to get up when Dustin started to drive. "Jesus, slow down!" he exclaimed. "Yeah, man, what is this? An Infy 500?" you asked "It's the Infy 300" Steve corrected you "No, dumbass, it's 500!" you yelled at him "It's 300!" Steve yelled back. "let's say 1000," you said nonsense.

You both started to laugh uncontrollably. "What is wrong with them?" Erica questioned "I don't know," Dustin said, looking back at you. "Y/n mentioned they were drugged by those Russians" Robin replied to both kids' confusion. "Shit" Dustin replied. "Robin, watch out!" Erica screamed at him. "Shit!" she screamed back. "Shit!" Dustin yelled as well. You guys crashed, or more like, Robin crashed.

You groaned in pain, your head had hit the side of the van, and it didn't help the massive headache you were getting from the drug. "Are you ok?" Robin asked. "fuck" you groaned in pain. "I'm sure they're fine," Dustin said. Suddenly the doors of the minivan/cart opened and Dustin and Robin demanded to get out. It was still hard to move normally, and your mind was still spinning, and you didn't know if it was because of the drug or because of the hit in the head. Either way, Robin had to pull you out to help you. "This sucks" Steve groaned as he was exiting the cart.

You got into the elevator room that got you down there in the first place, but this time it started to go up. You and Steve were going... nuts. You were whopping and giggling. Steve was "surfing" on one of the carts to carry out the boxes. You were laughing like maniacs. Steve fell and you started to laugh like crazy. Robin, Dustin, and Erica were staring at you. Robin got down to check up on Steve's forehead. "He's burning up," she said. "You're burning up" Steve replied giggling. He kept booping Robin's nose, while Dustin was checking up on you.

He was trying to check your eyes but you just kept moving "Y/n, stay still!" he demanded, you blew a raspberry and then proceeded to laugh. "They're definitely drugged," Erica said. "Steve, Steve, are you drugged," Robin asked Steve. "How many times, mom? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." he replied "This isn't good," Dustin said in a lower tone. "No shit!" Erica replied. "So, what, are they gonna die on us now?" Robin said. "We are all gonna die," you said. Everyone turned to you "Eventually" you said, your eyes crazy. For a split second your brother was genuinely terrified of the words that had come out of your mouth.

"Keys," Robin said to Steve "Steve, your keys! Where is your car parked??" Robin kept saying. "No, keys." he only replied "What? What do you mean 'no keys'??" Robin asked "They took it, the Russian man, they took them long ago," he said emptying his pockets. You giggled, and so did he.

You finally got out. The fresh air hit your nostrils in less than a second. "Oh, that feels good!" you exclaimed. "Can you taste it?" Steve asked you "The air. Yeah, you can taste the air!" you replied giggling "I can taste it too!!" he giggled as well. Suddenly, Dustin grabbed your hand and started running again. "Why are we running?" Steve asked. You just kept laughing.

You were inside the mall again, in an area you recognized perfectly. The smell of popcorn, you were at the movies. Robin sat you and Steve down to watch a movie that was playing in one of the rooms. "No! These seats are too close!" Steve complained. "Do you wanna watch the movie or not?" Dustin said "We do wanna watch it!" you complained back like a toddler "Then watch it!" he yelled at you whispering. You just stuck your tongue out at him. He sighed. People were shushing at you, and you shushed them back. "Whatever you do, don't... go... anywhere." Dustin said "Fine, Dad" Steve replied, you just snickered at his response. You were laughing at the screen alongside Steve. "Do you know what's happening?' obviously you were referring to the movie. "No idea" Steve replied, stuffing more popcorn into his mouth.

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