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The body

It was the next day already, when you had to go to school. Dustin was staying at home, because of Will. Your mom let him, obviously. The loss of a friend was.. awful, and at even at such a short age. You felt so bad for him. You felt awful too. Will was like a second little brother to you. He was your best friend's brother.

"Hey" you said leaning on your brother's door room "I'm going to school.. want me to grab some ice cream on my way here..?" you tried to cheer him up "no, I'm fine.. I'll just.. Read some comics" he said, with a sad smile "okay.." you sighed, and left. You kissed your mom goodbye and left on your car.

Arriving to school, you looked for Nancy, to see if she had found anything. But you failed at finding her. You were on your own today... Until, the radio the guys gave you a year ago started to sound "Y/n.. Y/n do you copy?"you heard Dustin's voice througg the radio and grabbed it and spoke "yeah, I copy. What is it? I'm at school. Over" you said "We have something.. Something big. Is about Will" he said he got up from your sit "What?.. What do you mean?" you asked confused but intrigued "Will is alive" he just said. You grabbed your bag, and started running down the hallways until you reached the front door of the school. But before you could leave you heard your mom calling you.

"Honey! Y/n!" you stopped on your tracks, opening already the door "Mom? What are you doing here?" you asked, confused. "Is something wrong?" you grabbed both of her arms, as she panted, due to all the running "The police man... They want to.. Ask you questions about.. Barbara" she said between pants. Your eyes widen at this, but you knew the kids needed you. Your brother needed you. "Sorry, mom. I can't right now. Tell them to find me later!" you said rushing through the door, letting go off your mom's arms. "Y/n!" she yelled once more your name.

You threw your bag into your car and drove off as quickly as you could to the Wheeler's.. again.
You saw Nancy's window opened, and you took this opportunity to climb inside through it. Remembering that the kids were supposed to be at school and you didn't want them to get in trouble. If Ms. Wheeler was at home that was.

You were climbing through the window, Mike and Eleven going through Nancy's makeup jumped at the unexpected visitor. "The hell are you doing?" Mike asked you "Could ask the same thing" you said, your feet already being placed on Nancy's bedroom. Mike explained to you the plan, you chuckled at this "you guys are nuts.. but okay. Now gimme that, you're gonna make her look like a clown" you said, grabbing the makeup from Mike's hand and taking El with you to somewhere to sit.

She looked at you with confusion, wandering what was what you were holding. "This is makeup, is going make you look--" you started "Pretty?" El said, looking at you. You cupped one of her cheeks "Prettier" you smiled, and she smiled back at you.

After you applied some blush, and helped her wear the dress and wig, that Lucas and Dustin had found, she stepped out of the room. Mike stared at her in awe. "Wow. She looks--" Dustin said "Pretty" Mike interrupted. You could sense a small blush growing up on Eleven's cheeks, and it wasn't because of the makeup. She smiled at him "Good" he kept saying "You look pretty good" he said. Wow, smooth, Mike. Lucas stared at him the same way I did, knowing he actually meant what he first said. Eleven looked really pretty.

She stared at herself in the mirror and repeated Mike's words. "Alright, let's go!" you said signaling

You all were in your car, on your way to the boys' school. El looking through the opened window at the streets. You supposed she had en ever been through this part of town before. While driving everyone was reviewing the plan" And remember, if anyone sees us, look sad." Mike said, El look at him and made some pouting faces, that made you chuckle. Until Dustin spoke" Uh, guys. What do we do about.. Y/n?" you looked at him, thought about it too for a second" I'll think about something, worst of cases? I just have to wait for you outside." you winked at your brother. Let him know that you would be okay.

You arrived to the school, parked the car outside and proceed to enter the school. We went the direction where AV Club was located, but the door was locked ." Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?" Dustin suggested, not a bad idea though. I mean if she could lock one, she could definitely open one right? "Boys?" you heard an adult said, you all jumped. "Assembly is about to start" the man looked at the boys confused "we kno. We're just, you know..." Mike said "Upset" Lucas said, first with a smile but then remembered he had to pretend and faked a sad face "Yeah, definitely upset" Dustin continued "We need some alone time" Mike spoke again "To cry" Dustin finished.

The man spoke again "Hey, I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh?" we all nodded "And then.." he threw the kids to Mike, so he could catch them. "the Heathkit is all youra for the rest of the day. What do you say?" the man said with a smile. God, this kids had the best teacher ever. This must be the Mr. Clarke the kids always talk about.

You thoughts were interrupted when Mr. Clarke spoke to you and El "I don't believe we've met! What are your names?" he asked "Uh, this is Ele--... E.. Eleanor. Yeah, and I'm Y/n Henderson." you started, trying to give El another name that wasn't a number. "And she's..?" Mr. Clarke asked "She's my.." Mike tried to make something up "Cousin" Lucas said "second cousin!" Dustin exclaimed "She's here for Will's funeral" Mike continued.

Then Mr. Clarke looked at you once more "And you said you were Y/n Henderson? Are you related to Dustin?" he asked "Yeah, I'm.. Um, I'm his older sister. I'm here to.. support. Will was a friend of mine too, so.." you said. "Ah! So this is the sister you were always talking about! The guitarist genius? That's awesome." he looked at you. And you looked at Dustin, embarrassed of what Mr. Clarke had revealed.

After a lot of explanations we went to the school's gym for the assembly. Dustin slammed both doors opened, everyone in the room turned to us "Dramatic much..?" you whispered to him. "Abort" he whispered back, we all just pushed him inside. The kids sat on the gym's benches, and you just stood up by the entrance.

After a lot of chatter from the teacher about Will and some counselor, Mike pushed some kid that was teasing him. You wanted to interfere, but the crowd wouldn't let you.
Next thing you know, that kid was peeing himself and everyone was laughing. You grabbed your brother's arm "Come on, we have to go." you all went to the AV Club where El would try to locate Will.

El closed here eyes and focused on the radio static. And the light died and everyone gasped. "She's doing it!" Mike said "Chill out, she just closed her eyes." Lucas said in an annoyed tone. You nudge his arm "What?" he whispered at you.

There was some clanging and then.. "Mom..?" Will could be heard on the radio "No way!" Lucas exclaimed. You were amazed by what you were listening to. Will was really alive! "Mom... Please" he kept repeating those words. "Hello? Mom" we heard "Will, are you there?? Can you hear me??" you grabbed the microphone from the radio "Will!" you said again but no answer to you "Why can't he hear us?" Lucas asked "I don't know!" Mike exclaimed. "It's like home, but it's dark... It's so dark and empty. And it's cold! Mom? Mom!" your eyes started to water at Will's scared shaky voice. That was the last thing you heard, until the radio explored and turned on fire "Shit!" you said, grabbed the extinguisher and turned the fire down.

"Are you okay?" Mike said worried, looking at El "Can you move?" he said shaking her a bit. She looked so tired she couldn't even respond. "I'll carry her, now come on, we gotta get outta here" you carried Eleven on your back, piggyback style, and started running to the door.
Whatever had just happened, it was some crazy shit...

Eyo, glad to know that there are already more than 20 readers enjoying this story! Updates are coming soon, but then again, school is starting soon so I might update slower then.
As you could see, some of the chapters are way longer than others, that depends on the point of view where the reader is. Remember that what I'm trying to do is to give you guys the complete experience of what it would be like to be in Stanger Things. Obviously I can't adapt the character "Y/N" exactly as you guys are, so I'm glad you still are enjoying this!
Votes and sharing are really appreciated!

Word count: 1605

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