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The Weirdo on Maple street

We had no other choice but to get her to the Wheeler's house. The girl was sitting on the couch of Mike's basement. She looked so scared and cold. I felt so bad for her
"is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked first.

"where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin asked, I elbowed his arm "dude, shut up"
"Did you run away?" Lucas added
"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike continued
"Is that blood?" Lucas pointed at a red spot on the girl's shirt. The kids where just bombing her with questions, she looked so confused. "Stop, you guys! Ya'll freaking her out!" I said "She's freaking me out!" Lucas exclaimed back.

"I bet she's deaf" Dustin added, he clapped his hands on front of the girl, she jumping at the action ".. not deaf" you looked back at him "idiot" you murmured. "enough, all right? Don't you see she's scared and cold? She was out there in the raim with nothing but a shirt.. Do you have any dry clothes she could borrow, Mike?" you asked him. He nodded and went to the washing machine, where on top there were some dry clothes.

You looked back at her, seeing how the thunder sounds scared her so much, you decided to sit next to her, trying to give her comfort. She got away from you, just a little "Hey, it's ok. We're not gonna hurt you. We're just trying to help, and you're gonna be all right."you said with a reassuring smile. She seemed to relax a little bit.

"Here, these are clean, ok? "Mike said, handing over the clothes. She gently grabbed them, and started to stand up, she was about to strip when everyone stopped her "no, no, no!" Lucas and Dustin turned around"oh my God, oh my god"wooaah, easy there, kid." you said, pulling down back her shirt.

Mike signaled to a bathroom" See over there? That's the bathroom" he looked back at her "Privacy, get it?". She nodded and went inside, before Mike could close the door, the girl stopped him "No" she looked back at Mike and me, who were standing in front of the door. "Oh, so you can speak." he said, with a side smile "Of course she can" Mike looked back at me "okay, then how about we just keep the door..." he closed the door, but he left a little crack so it wasn't fully closed "like this?" the girl looked at him, not so sure "How bout if I helped you change? Would you feel comfortable with that..?" she looked back at you, nodding. You have Mike a nod and went inside, now fully closing the door.

"okay so, I'll look this way so you can take that off, and then I'll help you with whatever you need okay? Just like Mike said.. Privacy" you said, turning the other way. A few seconds had passed, and you felt someone slightly pulling from your jacket "yes? You need something?" you turned around to see the girl having difficulties with the shirt. You helped her out, and then helped her with the pants. You noticed a small tattoo of the number eleven. She janked her arm quickly. You couldn't imagine for what had this girl gone through. "it's ok.. I'm not going to hurt you, remember?" you reassured her, again. She let you have a look of the tattoo "Eleven, what does it mean?" you looked back at her. She pointed at herself "that's you? That's.. That's your name? Eleven?" she just nodded. "Well, we're making progress. I'm Y/n, nice to meet you" for the first time, you saw her smile, at least just a little. "Hey, that smile looks really good on you, kiddo" you chuckled. "How about we go outside and see what we can do to help you, okay?" she nodded once more.

"Okay, so what's the plan exactly?" you said, coming out of the bathroom with Eleven not leaving your side. "We tell Mike's mom about the psycho, and tats final" Lucas said, clearly annoyed with the situation "Who's crazy now??" Mike said to both Lucas and Dustin "how's that crazy??" he said back to him, you decided to get into the conversation "because none of us were supposed to be out tonight, remember?" you explained, they all looked at each other.
"And if you tell my mom, and then my mom tells your mom, and if his mom tells your mom.." Mike kept saying "oh, man" Dustin said "all of our houses become Alcatraz" you said. "And we'll never find Will" Mike concluded your statement.
"ok, here's the plan: she stays her for the night-"  Mike started "You're letting a girl--" Dustin interrupted "Just listen!" Mike interrupted back "In the morning she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do." he explained "And then we'll be totally clear." he ended.

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