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The Monster

It was already late at night. So you had to stop your search for Eleven and head back home. "Guys, we can.. We can continue to look for her tomorrow. It's already late" you said. Dustin agreed with you. Mike looked unsure of leaving El alone in the woods, lost and scared. But he knew you were right.

You all bike home. The ride home with Dustin was a bit quiet. "She said it's not safe.." he finally spoke "Huh?" you replied "Eleven.. She said the gate isn't safe. I'm worried" you clarified, now looking at him. "Will is in there. Cold and in danger.. I'm worried" he explained his thoughts. "Hey, I'm sure we'll find him. We just talked to him today, remember? If he could hold on to this long, I'm sure he can hold on a little longer. Ya?" you agev him a reassuring smile. But honestly? You were just as worried as he was. Maybe even more.

That night, you got a call from Nancy. "Y/N?" you heard Nancy over the phone. "Nancy? Are you okay? Is almost midnight. Did you find out anything about Barbara?" you asked her "Well.. Yes, that's why I need you tomorrow" she told you. "Why? What are you up to, Wheeler?" you asked "Just trust me, okay?" she said. One thing you noticed is that her voice was shaky "Nancy, are you sure you're okay?" you asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just meet me and Johnathan tomorrow around the hunting store. Okay?" she said. Wait.. Johnathan? Hunting store?? Huh?? What had Johnathan to do with this? Why were you going to that store in particular?? It was late for this shit, so you just agreed and then hung up and went to sleep.

Next morning you drove Dustin to the Wheeler's to see Mike. Who was in the basement talking about how El didn't betrayed us and she was just trying to protect us. I agreed with ataht, but throwing off Lucas through the air like that? Not cool.

"Mike, calm down" Dustin said, while you were sitting in the couch with your rubiks cube. "You all were out of line, so was Eleven!" Dustin exclaimed "Oh, give me a break" Mike sighed at this. "He's not wrong, you know?" you said, your eyes still on your cube. "Exactly, Mike! You give Y/N and I a break. All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! Y/N and I were the only reasonable ones" he said to Mike, finger pointing at his chest.

"Bottom line? You drew first blood, dipshit. You know what you have to do" you said, glancing up at him, raising one eyebrow. "No! No way! I'm not shaking his hand." he discussed "You have to, Mike" you said, now your eyes back on your cube.

"This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law. Ober or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?" Dustin looked at him "No." Mike replied, his arms crossed. "Good." Dustin just said.

"Alright, then!" you got up from the couch, grabbed your coat and your bag. "Where are we going" Mike asked, seeing how you and Dustin were preparing to leave. "Where do you think? We're going to get Lucas" Dustin said"And then we're gonna go find Eleven."  he continued, handing Mike over his bag. "You'll have to forgive me guys, but I can't today. Nancy and Johnathan need me for... something" you told them. "Again?" Dustin sighed "Sorry" you grabbed your bag and went outside. Took Dustin's bike off the trunk and left it with him. "I'll see you guys later, okay? Don't get in too much trouble. And be safe." you gave Dustin a nudge on his curls and drove off.

On your way there you passed the movies and noticed something that got your blood boiling. "What in the..." you rolled down your window and saw on the board of the cinema 'All the right moves' and then on red paint spray 'Starring Nancy The Slut Wheeler'. Then you could see Tommy H, Carol, Steve and another girl walking down an alley, laughing.

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