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E Pluribus Unum

"The gate" Steve, Dustin, and you whispered at each other. "How the fuck did these bastards open it again?" you swore in almost a whisper. "Wait, I'm sorry, have you seen this before?" Robin asked you "Not exactly" Steve answered for you "Then what, exactly?" she commented on the answer. "All that you need to know it's that is bad," Dustin said "Really bad" Steve added "How bad?" Robin adds to both of the guys' comments "you know, just...end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad" you replied, as you went back to the comms room where Steve had knocked out the Russian man before. "And you all know this how?" Robin asked, almost as a demand. "Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica interrupted. Everyone turned back and notice the Russian that was once knocked out was not there anymore.

An alarm started to go off. "Shit" you said. Steve rushed to the door "Shit" he repeated. He opened the door and shut it three seconds after "Shit" he swore once again. "Go, go, go, go, go!" he rushed us all back upstairs "Shit" you could hear your brother swear. You were running away from Russian militaries in an underground lab, trying to not get into the wrong room so you wouldn't get killed... but you failed.

Accidentally getting inside the place where the gate was opening, the men following you came just as fast as you arrived, running away and throwing things at everyone so you wouldn't get caught. Finally, after all the shrieking and screaming, you had made it to a small room, but of course, the guards were right on your tail and trying to push the door open. Steve was doing his best to keep it shut, but it wasn't enough.

"Y/N!" Steve called, you rushed over to help him and it seemed like you two together could hold it enough so that the kids and Robin could escape. HERE! Come on, let's go!" Erica yelled, founding a little vent to escape in. "Come on!" Dustin yelled at you. "Go! Just get out of here!" Steve replied, holding the door from many angry Russian men. "Go, come on, now!" Dustin insisted "Dustin, go!" you yelled. "I'm not leaving you!" Dustin said, not wanting to leave you behind. "Go! Just go get some help!" you demanded in a firmer tone. Robin being the last one to get in you yelled at her "You better take care of my brother, Buckley!" you yelled. She just gave you a reassuring nod and went down.

Just as they were able to escape, the men bust the door open, sending you two back against the wall with a strong hit, cornered up with guns in front of your faces. "Shit" you both swore under your breath. You were picked up by force from the ground and taken separately to what you believed was to be interrogated. "No, wait, wait, wait. Y/N!" Steve yelled trying to "fight" the men, looking back at you. You looked back at him while being pushed in the opposite direction from where he was going.

You were thrown into a room, hands tied behind your back "What are you gonna do to me?" you said, trying to not let your fear show in your voice. Silence. "What are you gonna--?!" before you could finish the sentence, you got slapped in the face. "Bastards" you whispered to them. "We are asking the same to your comrade. Now, he is a tough shell to break, but, you will tell us" the man said, with his Russian accent. "Who do you work for?" he said, leaning down at you. "Scoops Ahoy" you answered. The man asked you again the same question "I work at Scoops Ahoy, damn it!" you replied back with the same answer "Can't you see my uniform? You think I dress like this because I want to? I don't know what is it that you want, but I am telling the truth!" you yelled. "How did you find us?" the other man asked "We.." shit, how could you tell these guys that you worked at Scoops but then tell them that you found their military facility on purpose? "We found it by accident" you did your best to not make it obvious that it was a lie.

The man said something to the other one in Russian, you couldn't make it out, all you knew is that soon enough you were grabbed by both arms and getting dragged somewhere. "Hey, hey! Where are you taking me?!" you tried to resist, but it was useless. You were thrown into another room "Get your Russian hands off of me!". After getting yourself up enough, you saw Steve on the ground next to you, the only difference is that he wasn't showing any response. "Steve? Steve!" you went to him and started to nudge him to see if he could wake up. You check his breathing, he was alive and that relieved you. "What did you do to him?" No one replied to your question "What did you fuckers do to him?!" you yelled, the only answer you got was a slap on the face from what seemed to be the "boss" in the room.

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