"I'm doing this for you Bella" I said to no one in particular*sigh* I really hope this works out the way I want it to. 

"She's going to be okay Travis " that was Tylor patting my shoulder, this fucker has a tendency of doing that, well what can I say, he's used to it.

"come on you two, we don't have time for your bromance please"

 Tylor chuckled then we went and sat down

 "so what's the plan?" -Sigh

 "I have no idea what but whatever happens we come out as winners that's all"

 cavin cracked up and they all joined him 

"yeah, laugh all you want fuckers" 

"I never thought I'd see the day you actually fall in love again" Tylor is getting too comfortable I see.

 everyone went dead silent after that, "let's not go there please" he raised his hands up in surrender.

"So kid, what's this that got us all going to Mexico for?"

 Seriously Tylor has a loud mouth.

"Uhm...it's got to do with Bella and this dude over here is the major reason we here" he said that pointing at me, what's with this people playing over my head 

"and please don't a kid Jesus Christ, better say Lucas if you can't" 

Tylor sat next to him and ruffled his hair a bit "nah, get used to it" cavin found that amusing.

Looks like Lucas and I are the only sane people here.

"Let's get down to business okay" they all sat down and looked at each other, I guess it's up to me to start talking.


*Sigh* I guess it's all me in this huge house, well...Roy is here too, I wonder why he stayed and Tylor went, I thought Roy was Carl's guard, well maybe not. The house line rang, weird, I've never had it ring before, I was about to go answer when Roy called for me 

" yes" I turned and looked at his direction

 "mam, miss Valery is on her way here " 

before I can say anything the blond bitch emerged *sigh* I really should stop calling people names, I’ll get in trouble one day for real

 "Bella hi" she has a bubbly tone I'll give her that one, I just gave a confused smile 

"oooh darling, stop that" she waved her hand "I was bored so I thought I'd come check on you know" 

(no I don't) subconscious

"Uuhmmm..." Gosh I forgot her name

 "Valery" well I guess she heard me the she chuckled

" uuhm yes Valery, I'm sorry but I had a really long day and-" she cut me off, how rude! 

"Don’t worry, me too but I'm sure there's nothing a good slice of cake and wine can't cure right?" 

She's a good devil I'll give her that. I heard her chuckle 

"now come, a friend of mine has a food tasting for her restaurant so come on now"

 she led me to the direction of the guest bedroom

 "I'll grab your clothes so long" you know when you pop your eyes and your eyebrows lift up for the what-the shocked face? Yeah it's me right now.

"I’m.. look, I had planned to have a day in with my friends and so" 

"Ooh no, bring them too, and besides Carl doesn’t like kids in his house " 

before I could ask what she meant she already made way to our bedroom (rude) I took my phone from my pocket then sent Lexy a text then forwarded the message to everyone.

By the time I got out of the shower she had laid a nice dress on the table with some strap sandals, I’m sure all know I love strappy sandals right? 

 I was busy motioning when the landline rang again 

"I got it" 

what is it with this girl, but I just laughed it off, I could never have her personality even if I tired, she’s just too bubbly.

Lexy responded that I send her the location, I knew she'd never say no to free food.

 We pulled up at a really nice two story building

 "we here mam" 

we used valleys driver she has a really nice car. The driver came to open her door; I was about to open mine when it suddenly opened 'huh-?" 


That was Roy, when did he get here, he just flashed me a smile and closed the door.

Roy walked it front of me while Valery was in front of him, her posture had suddenly changed.

When we got inside it was fantastic, tables laid out nicely, it looked like a classy food tasting, Valery led me to our supposed table, it was close to the mini stage where I guess valleys friend will probably address us from.


 I turned and there were my friends, they really came

 "hey guys " I waved them over to me and we sat down, I don't know whose chairs or table it is, but I don't care, I’m sitting here. 

"Where's Matt" I ask because he's not here and I sent him a text

. "Aah, that one, he and my brother have a date" you guys remember Phoebe right? Well let me tell you, Matt is gay, did I mention that? Yeah well he is and Connor is Phoebe's twin brother. Nice Yeah?

Since the table was a four sitter it meant that valley will not join us, ooops. sorry 

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Where stories live. Discover now