" yes mam ...uuhmmm...sir*eye roll* what about the other projects?" 

"you'll be in on that one also, but once you done with that I'd like you to do this one" 

"but I'm only doing a semester internship, meaning that by February I'll be back at school." 

"I know which is why my… colleagues and I thought of giving you this" 

He passed a file to me. I looked at it and I couldn't believe my eyes. 

"is… Is this a contract?" shock is an understatement 

"yes it is miss Jenkins" he had small smirk on his face. 

Fuckin hell… oooh I know he didn't just call me miss Jenkins! imp fuckin married to him asshole. he stood up, came to my side and sat on the table facing me while unbuttoning his jacket,'fuck that's sexy' *focus idiot*I started to feel a bit hot.so I shifted in my sit. 

"why you giving me this?" I was squirming in my seat.

"I think your academic records speak for themselves and I wouldn't want to lose such a big opportunity, I’ll give you the weekend to think about it" 

He stood up and went back to his sit, when I looked Barbie bitch looked mad as hell*bitch*

"Carlos !!; you not going to work with this kid" 

"and why is that Alexandra" 

"because I say so" she folded her arms and pouted her lips. 

"yeah right ...Bella I hope you make the right choice" 

Alexa tried to say something but he cut her off, rude that much? I could see that she too was getting pissed because she started to argue but Carl would ignore her, I took that as my cue to leave. 

"ooh and Carl...your mom says you should answer your phone" 

And I left, when I was outside I let out a heavy sigh, I saw Matt and Lexy leaning against the elevator, I made my way up to them and Matt just embraced me in a hug after then Lexy too. 

"Matt told me, you okay?" she asked as soon as we broke free from the hug. 

"I will be" 

Then matt gave me another hug, lord knows I need them, when we looked up Carl was staring at us and Barbie bitch was behind him, I just rolled my eyes and called the elevator

All five of us stood there waiting for it with Matt holding my hand, I looked at our arms then at Matt then just smiled. 

"jeez you always becausey, so I'm going to be the fifth wheel ...yikes" Lexy, LEXY, Lexy. 

I looked at her didn't understand what she was saying so I just let her be. 

The door opened and we all got in, lexy and I made small talks, until we reached the parking lot.

"I'm calling dibs this time" lexy said as soon as we stepped out. 

"no need, she’s with me" grouchy said turning to look at me. 


"I got it Matthew, Isabella let's go" 

He didn't even give me a chance to response, he just opened the passenger door to his range rover. I was hesitant to get in 

" come on ...I won't bite" but his smirk said otherwise. 

Awkward silence filled the car until he decided to break it 

"Look I don't want you feeling awkward at work okay" he said looking at me and then back at the road. 

"why would I?" 

"what happened last time…" 

"Carl look… I'm old enough to understand things okay, what happened imp over that, and finding out that I'll be working with you and Barbie bitch doesn't really fascinate me, having her as your mistress is fine but my boss...that's crazy but I'm willing to put that behind me and do What I came to do so yeah whatever, you do you and I'll do me, as long as we don't get into each other’s way. ooh ...and you don't bring her at your place too"

Something told me to let it all out and I did, and I'm glad I did because I won't let him think of me as a weakling, he can get mad all he wants I don't care I don't need him or anyone. 

"so you saying we could date other people" he finally asked after a beat. 

"interpret it however you want, you made it clear that nothing's ever going to happen between us and I'm cool with that I don't need you" 

" I don't need you too" 

"exactly my point, do you and I'll do me" 

"why did you kiss me?" 

"huh?" is this guy for real. 

"that day… you kissed me back" 

"yeah I did" 

"why did you if you don't want me" 

Okay!!! That seriously caught me off guard, but I'm a smart girl, I’ll get a lie. 

"well maybe I was caught in a moment, but I got back to my senses. why did YOU kiss me" I countered back? 

"because I could" sigh. If I could rip his head off, I'd gladly do that. Lucky for me we were home so I got out, slammed the car door and stormed off to the elevator, I saw him coming out of the car pissed, hell I can be pissed too, I pressed the elevator to our floor and left him at the parking, when I got in I was fuming mad. I got in my room, took a shower and slept the night off. How dare he say that …

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Where stories live. Discover now