Forty  minutes later I was done ,I went downstairs with my bag ,I called a number and it was 10minutes away ,when I got downstairs I found everyone on the table, Grouchy was  sneezing *gosh* I greeted then sat down ,they were having a full English breakfast's still early for me for this kind of breakfast ,I won't be able to stomach it so I just took two sips of my coffee , I literally cannot eat nor drink this early morning ,the only thing I can eat is an instant porridge with lots and lots of milk and only after seven that it 

Marian-"you not eating because?" 

sneezing "aunt please...not now" 

"Carlos …" 

I didn't wait for her to finish talking, his nephew ruined my mood, plus the Meer fact that its Monday just ruins my mood so I just took my bag and went outside and the umber had just arrived. 

I texted Luu and Rose telling them I'm on my way then called Lolita just to check how she's doing and everything... 

 Lolita is a mother I never had, she’s fifty-four going to fifty-five... I checked my school work and read some few books just to pass time, the De Luca mansion is in a secluded are, distance away from the city so you can imagine the long ride I was going to have, seven thirty the uber dropped me at the school cafe, I paid and went to the school Cafe.

I found them with a few other people I didn't know, some I remember from our math class, Luu got up and gave me a cheek kiss and so did Rose...I greeted everyone, took of my jacket and grabbed a chair from the next table and sat on it. 

Lindsey one of the cafe waitress came and gave me my usual, hot chocolate and muffins. I had my food and off to class we went, well I'm a bit anti-social so I kept quite most of the time. they were cool people so it was nice change of scenery. 

This coming Saturday is Rose's birthday and knowing her pretty well she going wild and once they find out I plan on coming crazy will be an understatement, 

thing is I've never been able to attend anything after 6 so now that I'm out of the hellhole I plan on using this opportunity at its best ...

First period was math’s so We went in, I sat in between Luu and the other guy we were with. Matt. our teacher came and lessons proceeded... Mrs. Brown told us that since we only left with three months before finals we got a big project coming up, we are to find a company to intern at that specialize in engineering basically anything engineered but to be sure that whatever company it is corresponds with what we doing ...WTF!!!what shit is this, I mean I'm not ready for such big tasks …

"good news...if you do well on the task, there’s a big chance the company might look into hiring you from next year February " 

shit!!I've always wanted to work for amazon but with the courses I'm doing I want to develop on only software systems but create a product maybe of high tech... Guess I better start my research for possible companies like that because dad's companies are way far from my line of study....

"so which company do you have in mind?" 

We were now heading to the engineering block. Luu is a software engineering major so robotics lab and engineering lab are on the same block. 

Luu and I always wished for Amazon but now!!! I'm not so sure anymore

" uuhmmm. Well I want something that's going to cover all my modules on just one you know" 

"so more Amazon"? "

" yeah*sad sigh*I guess so...I'm sorry."

" *laughing*what are you sorry for woman? It's your dream so go for it "

We continued talking, shared laughs here and there ...we only had 3 classes today taking two and a half hours each ...tired was not the word for what I was feeling, what’s worse I still have at least three hours of study, I’m seriously going to end up crazy with all these studying, Matt came while we were walking to the library

"hey guys" 

He fists bumped Luu and, gave Rose a hug, he was about to come to me but he just smiled at me, I returned the smile and we continued walking ...

"whoa!!guys don't tell me you going to study after such long tiring lectures we had today" 

"yeah guys, I’m tired. let’s give it a rest" Rose agreed with him. Of course she would. 

"The devil is a lair I tell you “I laughed at Luus’' response" you guys want to change us off our routine "

" all work and no play made Jack a dull boy "this guy Matt… 

" well lucky you we do play "I managed to say when no one was saying anything. 

Rose laughed because she knew I was lying I'm all work, work, work. 

" Mary mother of Jesus, look who’s talking "

" hey.”. I said that punching her shoulder but still laughing. “I’m not tar-" the damn yawn had to come out, Jesus, this thing doesn’t have timing 

"see you tired, come on ...I know a bar down town" Matt looked at all of us for approval 

After a lot of convincing which didn't go well for him until he promised me a burger and fries the whole week we decided to go. I’m sorry but food is my weakness. 

When we got there the place was filled with students, so this is what collage students get up to when they not reading? do they even read?

Matt found us a booth at the far end of the bar. 

We ordered our food ,I opted for a milkshake but they dared me to try it with a beer, I found myself drinking one after the other ,after five beers it was  dark outside so I decided to call it a night ..Matt offered me a ride home but I declined ,I called an uber to Lolita's house ,I told her I was coming and she was happy ,on my way there I received a call from Mrs. Grace asking about my whereabouts, I told her and she said it's okay but don't come home late ,"I'll have an uber drop me off" I said to her "ooh no Chika,I'll send you a driver there that way I'll know that you safe"," okay" I couldn't argue with her ,well...I never could even if I wanted to. 

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Where stories live. Discover now