Chapter 3 (revised 06/06/2023)

Start from the beginning

Then it came to Debater 4, and here are the questions they asked. "When it comes to fighting, how would you lead your species into battle?"

Debater 4: "I would be there to send my pack children to safety. They would be the last form of defense to protect the younger children who cannot fight. It would be a surprise since most packs do not train she-wolves or pups.

If I were told to be on the battlefield, I would charge right in. I would still have to do training at least once a week with adults. This way, I know how our pack Alpha wants us to fight. I would not lead this group since I am not a top 3.

I would also encourage training which would be defensive training for the she-wolves too. I could lead the ladies outside the house as a second-to-last form of defense. The final form, as stated before, would be the pups in the safe room. The men of my pack and species would not follow me into battle even if I could defeat most of them with what I have learned."

Judge 2: You just answered how you would lead, but I wonder how your leading makes you misunderstood?"

Debater 4: "I am misunderstood because the males do not see me as one who can fight. They see my boobs and think they are their toys and pups' milk machines. They would not see my teaching children or she-wolves as viable time. They believe their job is to protect us while we sit back home safely. They teach us basic self-defense, but it is not how to fight back. The enemy would be stunned. I would make offensive moves toward anyone who would come after my species and home. I would even try to show the women those moves if they want to learn. We are not as strong as the men, but even Goliath was defeated by David because he was considered too weak to win. Their mistake is not seeing I could kick some of their asses."

Judge 2: "You went 2 seconds over time."

Judge 3: "You mention your alpha supports you being at school. Does he support you wanting to fight with warriors?"

Debater 4: "He allows me to watch the warriors fight, but I can only fight with wolves related by blood. I fought with my brothers and cousins. My father refuses to fight me. I am considered his princess and not a defender. The alpha has even had a few times spared with me, but never in full ALPHA MODE. He admits he feels just a phase for me until I meet my mate. He fights me like he does a young child pup. He does support it to a point. He does know I want to teach the younger pups and other she-wolves, but I do not know if he will let me once I graduate."

Judge 4: Do you think of yourself as a tomboy or one of those feminists that humans have?"

Debater 4: "No, I like being a girl, and I would not be one to go into marches for the same rights as males. What I want to do is teach. What I want to learn is how to protect myself and my pack members. I felt this when I read about the Odessa Pack, who got wiped out. If the she-wolves and pups had been taught to defend themselves, maybe a few could have escaped and not been found slaughtered in their safe room, which the rogues broke into. I would still have a best friend."

Judge 4: I will object to your reply. Is what you said part of the report or your thoughts on this matter? It sounds personal.

I stood up and replied, "She used my defense on why I felt that way. You can verify it by reading pages 13 and 14 of my notes

The judge looked at me and said, "You must be the author of this report, but she is to answer the question."

I replied, "I am sorry, sir." I then sat down.

Since she answered the question, my next question is ''Do you think you are a radical who wants to fight even if not strong like males?"

Debater 4: "No, sir. I do not consider it radical to want to protect the pack. Many feel wrong, but it is a different way to think. If a mother was at the park with her pups and a rogue got through. She could protect her pups better with training and work to fend off the rogue until the warriors could arrive."

Judge 5: You have mentioned your training. What kind of training have you been doing that others don't understand?"

Debater 4: I signed up and have taken defensive training with a class of elves, dwarves, and witches and currently taking one with fairies while at the university. Even for the next semester, I have defensive level 2 and Offensive level 1 in elves along with my other classes. Being the only wolf to take these classes has been difficult, but I am proud of my accomplishment. The elves invited me to part of the next semester's Defense 2 class. When I informed my family, my brothers thought I was crazy, but my granny encouraged me to follow my dream."

After that, the debates ended, and we were asked to vote. As I walked out of the auditorium, I had a group of wolves from another pack growl at me. "You think you can do a better job than us?"

I looked at them and said, "That is not what was said. This is why this topic fits into most misunderstood. I want to start training in elementary before they shift to defend themselves. This way, we have a better chance of not seeing a pack get wiped out. None of us ever want to see another Odessa Pack incident."

One of the wolves growled at me, "Why do you care about Odessa Pack so much? You should only be concerned about having a mate and pups."

"My best friend Sasha was visiting her grandparents who were part of Odessa Pack when She was eight. I lost her that night. You never knew she could have been one of your mates, and you lost a chance of having her as your mate."

Several growled at me when my Alpha walked up, "This is enough. Go cast your votes, and don't bother her." They walked away, and he looked at me, "We will be talking about your report when you return to the pack house this weekend. I want to see the complete report. Email it to me by the end of the day." He then walked away.

I then came back to the present. I got back to my room at the pack house and started to pack up my belongings in my suitcase. I did not have much since I knew I would only be in the packhouse briefly.

 I did not have much since I knew I would only be in the packhouse briefly

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