3• Old Friends

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Chapter 3 - Old Friends

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Chapter 3 - Old Friends

*Mentions of an overdose in this chapter*


My mind has been running a mile a minute and reliving our past day. I feel so stupid that I believed them over Thomas at the start. I believed the people that tortured Luna and her friend. I believed the people that tried to make her forget. How can I be so bloody stupid.

Me and the red head haven't properly spoke about what happened yesterday since we've all been focusing of rationing our food and helping Winston.

'We've got to find shelter.' Thomas demanded as we were covered our faces from the sand storm that had hit us.

After around fifteen minutes off searching we all let out breathless cheers at being able to rest our aching bodies. We made a slight bed for Winston to lay on while the rest of us sat down and as we recharged our energy. All the gladers were sat within two meters of each other while Luna and Aelia were sitting on the edge of the sand dune catching up and none of us could blame the girls. They've both been through so much and I'm glad they found each other again.

A few minutes of quietness passed before Thomas and Teresa walked up to the other end of the dune just looking out at the intimidating surroundings. I could tell the brunette's mind was swimming with plans to try get us there safe and sound.

'So, what do you think about Aelia?' Frypan started a conversation.

'Hot.' Minho joked but we all knew he was being truthful.

'Nice and she seems to really care about Lu.' I admitted before I felt a soft pair of lips kiss my burning cheeks.

'What are you idiots talking about?' Luna said before she sat next to me and laid her head down on my lap while Aelia sat on a broken piece of concrete next to Aris.

'Nothing much but I do think we should talk about what happened just before we escaped.' Minho stated and we all knew what he was going on about.

'What did they do to you Lulu?'

'That morning that took me to an operating room and said they were taking out dead skin cells from the wound. Once I woke up I heard them talking about wanted to give me the swipe again and reopen my stab wound and I thought it was a dream until they gave me fucking drugged food.' Luna scoffed before continuing.

'I was half awake when you all found me but that didn't last long before the gassed me but hey ho. Then they gave me the swipe but it didn't work so I had to pretend it did. When I shot inches from blondie's head, which I am sorry about, you should have seen rat man's face, it was priceless.' She laughed before intertwining our hands.

'That was shucking badass Lulu.' Minho admitted and we all agreed because it was the truth.

'Can I just say, I was the only one who didn't doubt you Andrews. Also Riley told me that you saw him, I've never seen that man so happy.' Aelia commented.

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