4• Desperate For You

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Chapter 4 - Desperate For You

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Chapter 4 - Desperate For You


When we finally made it to a another deserted building and we all huddled in one room to make sure we were all together and that we were all safe.

There was one single bed which Jorge claimed, two arm chairs which were taken by Teresa and Minho, one broken leather chair which Aelia had already drifted into sleep on and Frypan was sleeping on a small uneven couch in an uncomfortable position. So that left me and Luna on the floor with a couple blankets to separate us from the cold ground.

After a few minutes of pin pointing who's snores belonged to who, I pulled the red head closer to me since we were facing each other.

We spent a few moments in silence just admiring each other's features. I noticed just how deep her adorable dimples go when she smiles. I noticed how her freckles contoured the frame off her face perfectly. I noticed how long her black eyelashes are. And I noticed just how truly gorgeous her hazel eyes are. Her pupils were outlined with a brown colour while the emerald green colour filled in the iris but that didn't mean that the beautiful brown colour didn't dot itself around as well. They alone were enough to make anyone fall in love with her and luckily for me, I got to take the position.

'Why do you keep staring?' Luna whispered inches from my face with our noses just about to touch.

'You're beautiful.' I replied which caused the red head's cheeks to deepen in colour.

'You're cute when you blush.' I kissed her nose when she scrunched it.

'Did you really think I wouldn't remember?' Luna surprisingly switched the conversation but I knew it's been bugging her mind ever since it happened.

'Truthfully, yes because I thought everyone who'd been given the swipe would forget. But I underestimated you love.' I replied before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer to me. She retaliated by lifting one of her legs over both of mine and held it on my waist which made me feel that tingling sensation dance around in the pit of my stomach.

'I hated they way you looked at me when I held the gun up but I wanted to cry when you flinched after I shot it.' Luna admitted and I felt my heart ache for her.

'I'm sorry but you have to understand there was a gun in the hands of someone who just got told to shot me. And to bloody top it off, that same person was supposed to have lost all her buggin memories.' I innocently smiled at the girl which made her giggle.

'Sorry that I scared you blondie.' She stated before lifting the hand, that wasn't under her head, under my top and started drawing patterns on my bare chest. My heart immediately started beating faster. How does she do this to me with one touch?

'Don't be sorry darling. You've saved my life multiple times and not just today. So thank you Lu.' My voice was still in a whisper tone before I gave her soft lips a small kiss.

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