Start from the beginning

-usually pics of her work

-or pics of her drinks or food

-or of her child, nico

-or some funny pics of percy, annabeth, thalia, grover

-does streaks

-but she often breaks them too

-because she can

twitter (rileystark)

-her tweets are usually her dumb thoughts

-'whoever's driving a vintage white merc on the highway, you have a sexy car'

-went on a pepper appreciation spree

-'appreciation tweet for pepper who is most definitely insane, only because she's still sane after all these years she spent with my dad and i. #appreciatepep'

-#appreciatepep was trending after that

-she tweets about when her dad does something stupid

-'my dad literally just had cheeseburger and a J.A.R.V.I.S. bud in each hand and went to the sofa. now we have cheeseburger stains on our couch.'

-'anyone know how to get cheeseburger stains off of a leather couch?'

-'a literal conversation i just had with my dad
me: what do you think butterflies taste like?
my dad: they taste bad.
me: how—
my dad: i answered the question! that's all you're getting!'

-tweets about her random cravings

-'any pasta places?'

-'it's three am and i want another cheeseburger.'

-'sprite or red bull?'


-doesn't go on social media that much

-only has ig and sc

instagram (pjackson)

-doesn't post often

-responds to dms, tho

-he posts sometimes on his story

-usually funny posts

-or candid shots of riley

-then she'll get him back by posting on her story

-so he sticks to the funny posts

-posts a few funny pics of his other camp friends

-follows a few celebrities

-he only allows his friends to follow him

-people he knows from school or camp

-he's so much more bold online

-knows exactly how and when to use texting shortcuts

-often annoys annabeth because she hates them

-thalia hates them too cause there's too many and she can't keep up

-riley's the only one who can keep up with his rapid texts

snapchat (percejaxon18)

-posts some selfies

-not a lot of things though

-sometimes he'll post summer throwbacks on his story

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