God Damn (Changkyun)

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(I highly suggest listening to the Duality mini album as you read this)

There you were sitting alone at the bar. Your legs crossed, your little black dress rising a little too high. The men around you staring as if you’re a piece of meat dangling in front of starving wolves, one was bound to pounce at any time. But you just paid attention to the drink you swirled in your hand. Your mind wandering off, trying to find somewhere happy to go. You were sick of this place already. You chugged the last of your alcohol and placed the glass back on the bar. Before you could get your cash out to pay a hand swiftly brushed over your arm and left a 20 on the counter. “You look as bored as I feel.” He stared at your face and body just as the other men had but something about his gaze was different. “Why don’t you say we get out of here and have some fun together?” He held out his hand and with slight hesitation you took it. I shouldn’t go and this should be fun were the two thoughts that ran through your mind. You were looking for some kind of excitement weren’t you? So you went, you left with a man you’ve never seen until that very moment. You left with a man who didn’t even tell you his name.

During the car ride he rubbed on your inner thigh, feeling the warmth escaping between your legs. If he were to reach slightly higher he could feel just how wett he had gotten you so far just from a few words and a touch. He squeezed your inner thigh gently then began rubbing your thighs again. It left you wanting more. So much more. 

When you arrived at his home he parked in his two car garage then waited for you to exit the vehicle to lead you upstairs. His house was beautiful. Tall ceilings, white marble floors, black decorations. Somehow the beauty of his home complimented him and added even more beauty to his face.

With your hand in his he led you up the stairs and towards large, wooden, double doors. He opened one door for you and allowed you to enter before he did. “Get undressed.” He demanded. You took no time in following his orders. As you removed your bra his lips left a trail on your neck, making you shiver and wanting to beg for more. You were going to remove your heels but he stopped you. “Leave those on.” He pulled on your panties, making them snap back to your skin. “Take these off.” Again, you did as you were told. 

Completely naked with just your heels on, he ran his hands down your sides and pulled you close. Whispering in your ear he spoke. “My name’s Changkyun. I want you to scream it.” As he removed his jacket and shirt he used his body to lead you to the bed. You fell back onto the soft cushion. He lifted your hips and forcefully pushed you further onto the bed. He rubbed down your thigh as he hovered over you, looking deep into your eyes his lips met yours. It was like a flame erupted in the pit of your stomach. You could taste the liquor on his lips and on the inside of his mouth but you rather enjoyed the taste of the bourbon mixed with his saliva. You could hear his pants and underwear being removed. You were beyond ready for him. His left hand gripped your hip as he slid into you. Your back arched and immediately you wanted more. It already felt better than you imagined. He started with slow strokes, forcing you to call out his name to ask for more. “Changkyun, please.” You gripped onto his arms. “Please what?” He responded with a smirk on his face, knowing exactly what he was doing to you. “Please go faster.” He did as he was asked, sped up ever so slightly. He couldn’t give you everything you asked for. Not yet.

His strokes were at medium speed but he made sure to go deep every time to hit your spot. It felt as if he already knew everything about your body but he was teasing you. He was letting you know he knew exactly what he was doing but he was going to make you beg for it. He was going to make you beg to be fucked. 

You called out his name again. “Changkyun.” You panted. “Fuck me harder please, faster please.” You saw a smirk rise on his lips. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.” His thrusts became slightly harder. “Please Changkyun. I want you to fuck me harder, faster.” 

Y/N IMAGINESМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя