FaceTime (Bangchan)

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She looked down at her phone that sat to her right on her desk. "Who could this be?" She didn't recognize the email address. Normally she wouldn't answer any facetimes but her hair was actually done, she had on slight makeup from earlier and her lighting was good so why not. She removed her hand from her wireless mouse and picked up her phone.

"Hey Felix." She saw a male who looked as if he was walking outside with a black hoodie on. The sun setting in the background. "Are you alone? I kind of need to talk."

"Uh hi. I don't think I'm the Felix you're looking for."

"Oh gosh." He finally paid attention to his phone screen. "I am so sorry." She noticed his accent. Australian was it? "It seems like I misdialed a number."

"That's okay." She smiled. "Things do happen for a reason so tell me what your issue is. I actually give pretty great advice." He was handsome. So handsome she'd do almost anything to hear him keep speaking.

"I wouldn't want to bother a stranger with my problems." He chuckled.

"I'm Y/N." She introduced herself.

"Oh Christopher."

"Is it okay if I call you Chris?"

"Uh yeah."

"How old are you?"


"Good. Same here. So Chris, where are you from?"

"Seoul, Korea."

"Oh me too!"

"Oh cool!" He smiled.

"Well Chris now we're no strangers. " She returned his smile. "I think your friend Felix may already have some insight on whatever is going on, am I right?"

"Yeah he does."

"Well now you can get an unbiased opinion. So spill it."

She listened as he sighed. "Well I have this other friend who's been very... I don't know I guess emotional or something but he's just been being super aggressive and hostile towards everyone especially to our younger friend Jeongin. There's been times where I've had to intervene and we almost fought. Which is why I'm outside now, I had to take a walk. I just feel so torn because we used to be really close and now I feel like all of this is just tearing us apart but he says nothing is wrong and I know everything at his home is okay."

"Was he like this before you met him?"

"Not necessarily." He shook his head. "He was a little mean, always has been but never was he so aggressive."

"I think I kind of see what's going on here but is there any other background you can give me like when did the aggressiveness start? Does he normally just pick on Jeongin the most? Are there certain things he does like headlocks, punching, kicking, saying mean things? Does it happen during the day or just around a certain time? Things like that."

"There wasn't a specific time when it started like I said he's always been kind of mean but then it just progressed from there. He picks on everyone but mainly on Jeongin. He likes to belittle everyone and do a lot of headlocks and tackling and it's kind of a throughout the day thing. He does mainly do it in private so when we're hanging out we have to constantly keep an eye out on him, mainly me."

"Does he not pick on you?"

"He says mean things but he doesn't treat me like the others." He sighed. "Like I said I'm just kind of stuck on rather we should continue to hang out with him. I've tried talking to him and I constantly comfort the others but it just doesn't stop." He shook his head. "What do you think Y/N?"

"In my unprofessional opinion Chris, I think you have a bully on your hands. I say this because he's picking on the baby of the group and you're the one who always intervenes which says that you have strength and he doesn't want to try anything with someone who is possibly stronger than him. I think there may be something going on that he's not talking about and since you said there's nothing going on at his home it would have to be something internally. Maybe he's becoming jealous of the relationships you're building with other people or something he's insecure about with himself or maybe it could be someone outside of your circle doing the same to him and he's passing it on to you guys. Either way I think this person needs an ultimatum. Either they stop doing what they're doing and that means literally everything no more belittling, no more of this aggressiveness. All of this roughness with the headlocks and the tackling must stop immediately or that's it. So, either absolutely no more or you guys are done. Because if he does not stop now it's just going to continue and escalate until someone gets severely hurt and that's not something you want. It seems like you really do go out of your way to protect your friends and if you keep this person around all that's going to is cause much more harm in the end and could end up straining all of your friendships you've worked so hard for." She took in a breath. "I know I've said a lot but I hope you understand what I'm saying."

"No, I got everything and I think you're right. Everyone is so on edge when he comes around and it's like we can't have real fun anymore because we always have to tiptoe around him." He nodded. "Thanks a lot that really did help."

"Of course. Anything else I can do for you?"

"Actually..." He paused. "...I know this may be a little weird and kind of straight forward but are you hungry? Would you like to join me for some ramen right now?"

"You want me..."

"Asch nevermind. I shouldn't have asked. I think it was a little much."

"No!" She had to stop herself from shouting. "I would like to. Where would you like to meet at?"

"Menya Berabo?"

"Okay. I'll see you there in 15."

"Okay." They disconnected their call and she immediately looked for something cute to wear. She chose her hot pink, oversized sweater, black tights and brown boots.


She sat in her car outside of the restaurant. What was she doing? Meeting up with a guy she just talked to. Someone she didn't even know. But he was so handsome, at least over the phone he was. Oh my god. She spoke as she noticed him waiting outside of the shop. That's him. Oh dear lord he is hot. Okay girl, just go ahead you never know what can happen. You have your pepper spray just in case.
She stepped out of her car and began walking towards the front doors. "Christopher?" She called out.

"Y/N." He greeted her with a wide smile. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"Thank you for inviting me." She walked through the door he held open for her.

"I hope I didn't come off as weird when I asked you."

"Oh no it's fine. Don't worry about it." They choose a table to sit at.

"I just thought since you helped me so much then I should treat you to something."

"It wasn't necessary Chris but thank you."

They ordered their food and continued to chat. Their conversation flowed so naturally and there wasn't a moment of awkwardness between them. She was really enjoying her time with him and didn't want it to end. He was so sweet and she could tell he was extremely caring. "You know Chris, your friends are really lucky to have you." She spoke as they went on a stroll through the park under the night sky.

"Eh." He shrugged. "I think I'm more lucky to have them. They've taught me so much and man I love those guys. I want you to meet them soon. I know you would love them."

"You want me to meet your friends?"

"Yeah." He smiled. "I mean we are friends now right? You said so yourself."

"Yeah." She nodded. "We are."

"Then it's set." He placed his arm around her shoulder. "I'll get all of my friends together soon and we can all hang out."

She couldn't stop herself from smiling. There was just something about her new friend Christopher that just drew her soul to him. His smile, his personality, his everything. She was so glad she answered that facetime.

Y/N IMAGINESМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя