Play Date (Kai-EXO)

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She sat on the bench, outside of the mall, with her Starbucks in hand waiting for her friend's arrival. It has been a while since she had been out and longer since she had been shopping. Both extremely overdue. She continued to sip on her sweet drink and watch the people pass by, taking in the rays of the sun and the fresh air. Her mood decreased when she realized she may be fifth wheeling. Her two friends were known to drag their significant others with them everywhere they go and from past experience she already knew she was going to be lingering in their four way conversations, feeling as if she were intruding. Why did she even agree to this? Was she really this desperate to get out of the house? Since they haven't shown up yet maybe she could just leave? If they ask where she is she could make up some lame babysitting excuse then go shopping on her own. Yeah. She thought to herself. That's what I'll do. She stood from the metal bench and checked behind her to make sure she wasn't leaving anything behind. She turned in the direction of her desired path. This was her chance. She took one half of a step when she heard the thing she was probably dreading most at this moment. "Y/N!"

Oh god. She groaned. "Kelly! Tess!" She placed a smile on her face. "Just when I thought you weren't coming." She embraced them both.

"We couldn't miss seeing you!" Tess spoke. "You remember my boyfriend Mark and Kelly's boyfriend Josh."

She casually waved. "I figured you guys would be here. How is everyone?"

"Good!" They somehow answered simultaneously. Yeah, they've definitely been around each other too much. She thought to herself.

"There he is!" Kelly waved her hand in the air. Y/N turned in the direction Kelly's eyes were pointing. She saw a male with blue jeans, a white t-shirt, black leather ankle boots and a black leather jacket. He threw his right hand up half way and nodded in acknowledgement. "You remember Kai right?"

"How could I forget." She was almost at a loss of words. He has been her biggest crush for the past two years. Every time she saw him he grew more and more handsome.

"Tess, Kelly." He hugged both of them and shook the hands of their boyfriends. "Is that Y/N?" Their eyes locked and she saw the smile on his face widen. He pushed his way through the pair of couples to reach her. "Long time no see. You've been hiding from me." He took her hand in his and raised it to his chin. She took in the warmth on the back of her hand that was left behind from his lips. "The beautiful Y/N." Their eyes still locked together. "Now, I'm truly glad I decided to come."

"Same here." Speaking softly. She felt like her breath was caught in her chest.

"Alright let's start shopping!" Tess threw her hands in the air and led the way into the mall.

"How have you been?" She questioned Kai, just wanting to hear his voice.

"I've been good, much better now that I get to see you." A smirk spread across his lips.

"Kai, stop it." She playfully rolled her eyes. As much as she loved hearing him say that she couldn't believe he actually meant it.

"I'm being serious." His chuckle sent shivers through her body. "You're one of the coolest people I've had the pleasure of being around, the prettiest too. I've missed you."

"Huh?" She was in shock and couldn't peel her eyes from him. Was she hearing him correctly? Everything seemed to freeze as she felt his arm wrap around her waist and pull her close. Her body touching his. "Kai."

"Be careful. You almost ran into that." She turned to her right and saw the thick pole. "Thank you." She felt slightly embarrassed. "I should be more careful."

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