Prologue: The Story of Light and Shadow

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In the beginning, there were two beings, one possessed the powers of lights with a spirit flame and a flaming sword of light, and the other possessed incredible powers of darkness and shadows with its nail and void abilities.

Soon, something caused these beings to go on their own separate journeys to save their worlds from terrible fates. They may have lost some friends and family, but they never lost faith and kept moving forward. Forward to achieve their goals!

Through their journeys, they gained their own special powers that made them stronger and stronger each step they took. Taking down new foes, meeting new allies, and even though they got some rivals, they still never gave up.

Once their homes were saved, the two then returned to their normal lives, living them as normal. But everything is fixing to change. What if these two beings actually met, and got to explore each others worlds? One might even get feelings for the other as their new adventure starts....

AN: Before I start, I wanna give a heads up that I do not own Ori and Hollow Knight! One belongs to Moon Studios and the other to Team Cherry. Now I've already beaten both Ori and the Blind Forest and Hollow Knight, so I know the story to both games pretty well. I still have HK: Godmaster to complete though.

The setting for this story takes place after the dream no more ending in Hollow Knight, and after the ending of Ori and the Blind Forest. Some characters from Will of the Wisps will be in here, along with other characters from the Hollow Knight DLCs and yes, I've added the Shade Lord in this.

Thanks for reading and get ready for a new, wild ride!

The Lights in the Dark(Ghost X Ori and HK fourth anniversary special!)Where stories live. Discover now