Part 32: I am... REBORN

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Ratchet POV 

N-no s-she c-cannot b-be gone. ("Meagtron said, finally now all I have to do is offline the rest of you and then I can rebuild cycbertrion as my own"). YOU GLITCH! I screamed. H-HOW COUKD YOU SHE WAS INNOCENT ALL SHE WANTED TO DO WAS HELP! ("She was weak and you know that"). I then got very upset as I rush at him but bulkhead holds me back. ("Bulkhead said, ratchet she is gone relax clam down"). I struggle and cried as I wanted him to pain so badly. I then almost got my arms free but bulkhead tighten the grip and yelled. ("RATCHET SHES GONE CALM DOWN SHE WOULDN'T WANT TO SEE YOU LIKE THIS NOT YOU")! I then stopped as I felt bulkhead let me go. (Megatron says, now it's time to raise MY ARMY")! I then felt a huge shock go through the ground as I fell to the ground. The rest of the team fell as well as the dusty wasteland swirled around megatron as he got lifted into the air. ("Arcee said, is he.......floating")? ("Optimus said, no he is rewriting cycbertrion's surrounding area and making it into his own"). 

Then everything goes black as my helm hits the ground hard.

Am I dead......

No your not just barely hanging on.......

Who are you...........

Primus you really got start to remember us by now........

Wait are you.........

Get up.........

Get up chosen warrior for you destiny has reached..........

It's finally staged...........!

Blaze POV 

I woke up feeling sore very very sore. P-Primus why does everything hurt so much? ("Child get up"). Alpha Trion is that you? Then the darkness filed atmosphere turns to white as I see 12 figures standing over me. ("Alpha Trion said, ahhh you remember with out one of us having to get you this time impressed"). H-hey mind lending me a hand my whole body feels sore. I then see onyx prime extend his servo as I take it and get pull up. What am I doing here? ("Well for starters you died again"). Wait seriously come on what is this the second time ugh. ("Onyx prime said, yes but there is much to discuss for you blaze"). What do you mean? ("We must explain a few things to you"). ("For starters do you remember anything about your parents")? N-no I never had any to start with. ("Prima said, well that's were your wrong you did have parents"). W-what I had a f-family? ("Yes and there were cybertrions sent to planet earth the raise you"). W-what? ("Since you were born from them you naturally had a link to Primus himself unfortunately something happened").

Wait so if I'm naturally had a link to Primus himself why aren't like the rest of the bots? ("The reason why was because your parents had made contact with dark energon which affected your systems"). ("You were still in your carriers stomach as you did not form completely which is why the dark energon stripped you away from your birthright"). My.......birthright of being a cycbertrion. ("Yes the dark energon sped up the labor and killed your carrier in the process making you a child of unicron"). What?! ("He infected your systems and shut down your cycbertrion side which maybe you human"). ("After that he carried you to the surface as a human found you"). W-what happened to my sire or father? ("He had died in the explosion of the dark energon as it was unstable after producing you"). W-why why tell me this? Why now no what difference does it make I was born from an accident enemy I said hanging my head down. ("Child I told you this because you had been cycbertrion"). What do you mean? ("When you got turned into a cycbertrion it reactivated your systems thats why is reacted to weirdly so the Syn-en merging you into a cycbertrion"). Okay so what does this have to do with me I'm dead I can't do anything now.

Alpha Trion then walked up to me. ("Alpha then said, so y9u just give up")? No of course not the information I getting now doesn't help me to save anyone. ("It does blaze did you ever wondered about you name")? No why? ("It means a hot burning flame that rages with emotion"). ("Do you love ratchet")? Yes with all me heart I do. ("Then use your flames of emotions to reactivate your cycbertrion from but you make it"). How? ("We will help you but before you do I have a question"). What? ("Are you sure you want to do this, because if you do your humanity will be gone"). I questioned the choice for a good 5 minutes before I made my answer. I will help the autobots even if it costs my humanity besides ratchet probably has something that could change me back. ("Very well focus on your love for ratchet and let your mind do the rest"). ("We shall help you control it"). I then hold my heart and focus as nothing happens for a while. Then suddenly a flaming tornado surrounds me making me keep going. ("That's it blaze your doing it keep going"). I then felt my skin burn up but not it a way it would hurt me but in a way that feels loving. I then lose myself in it as I disappear.

("Where did she go")?

Nova (lol people wanted this name I GOT YOU)

I then touch the ground with flaming speed as I look at my frame. It was covered in red and orange with blue popping in and out. My servos had battle claws and the end of them and I had a visor that was shooting flames from the side. ("How do you feel blaze")? I feel like myself again also I want to change my destination. ("To what")? Nova call me nova. Well how do I leave this place. ("Just walk out your power allows you to revive like Phoenix"). Thanks for all your help I promise I'll bring megatronus back don't worry. ("We shall see until next time nova"). I then walk out as I say, my spark burns with emotion. Beware decepticons get to close and your fried. 



Ratchet (TFP) love story part 2: Hold me closeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें