Part 6 spending part 2

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Ratchet  POV

While blaze was singing the song I was so focused on her more than the song. She was so beautiful even while she sang,it was like she took everything that I was worried about and made it disappear. "Um ratchet", O-OH! Then I accidentally feel over with her hugging my neck cables, OOF! Ow that hurt a lot, are you ok blaze! "Ow that hurt, oh and yeah ratchet I am fine". Then I had looked over and saw her close to my neck cables and I immediately blushed she was also blushing. Um sorry for falling like that, "no it's ok ratchet sorry for startling you". Anyway it's getting pretty late I should probably drive you home. "Ratchet I don't really want to go back home I want to come over where you are at back at the base".  Blaze I would actually like you to come back at the base as well. "Oh well that's good well we better be going than huh?" As she said that I transformed into my vehicle mode and she got in. 

Um blaze, "yes ratchet"? I would like to say thanks for coming ........ with me on this drive. "Anytime ratchet also thanks for taking me if you hadn't done something like this I would have just gone home and it would have been my day". "Wait shouldn't the other be  awake still"? He they should be also miko, Jack and raf should be with them if anything they are probably eager to see you. "Yeah it would be nice to see them again though I don't know about school though." "Like how am I gonna back to school I would have sooooo much missing work from a month ago". I am going ask  ask Agent Fowler to talk to the your teachers about your school work and what had been happened. While also not talking about the decepticons or the autobots. "Oh ok well I think we should head back now",yeah same. 

Blaze POV

So after we came back from our we headed back to the base and everyone wanted to talk to me cause they have not seen me in soo long. HEY BLAZE miko,raf and Jack said while surprise and happy at the same time. Miko said " wow it's been soooooooooooooo long that I have not seen you". Yeah I know it's been a while anyway what have you guys been doing in school while I was away. Then they had told me what they were doing also I said hi to all the bots besides ratchet and then raf,miko,and Jack went home and the other bot went to get recharge. Which had left me and ratchet up. Um ratchet where will I be sleeping? "Where do you want to sleep actually"? If...... you ...... would allow me........ may I sleep.......... with you? "O-oh um sure w-why not if that's w-where you want to sleep".Ok thanks also when you sleeping cause you have been at the  computer every since we got here? "I was getting tried but yeah I guess I would sleep now cause nothing is going on right now". Ok, then we went his his brethroom and honestly i liked his room. It was fulled with a lot of doctor things on one half and the other half was very clam with color here and their but in my eyes it was not bad.

Anyway we got on the bed and we talked a little before we were getting tried. Well good night ratchet, "good night blaze". Though as I thought he snored but not loud so it was alright but in the night he would get up and sift and move and when he stopped I would be in his arms near his spark. I had felt our bound get stronger and I said through the bound thanks ratchet for letting me sleep with you. Then through the bound I felt him get warmer and him saying " your welcome blaze".

Well that's the end of another chapter thanks for waiting and yes 2 chapters in one day WHOOOOOOAAAAAAAA also sorry for making this chapter kind short it will make more sense later in the chapter anyway byeeeee and see you tomorrow!

Ratchet (TFP) love story part 2: Hold me closeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat