Part 24: I'll always be with you part 2 (1/2)

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Author notes

Hey guys so it is me the author! I wish to inform you that some where in this chapter has a lot of negative emotions so please if you are already having similar issue DON'T READ! Other than that I present you 2/3 parts of the 2 to final arc of this book! 

3 person POV 

Normally when someone entered the realm of the primes they would see the primes but this time it was different. It was dark with bloodily messages everywhere and there looked like there was no way out. Though ratchet knew that because this was his mind or infected mind. See ratchet has just found about about blazes true origin and he has been a bit on edge every since while also falling into a well of depression. This was also the only way to beat the dark energon he must destroy this invader in order to leave here or forever be trapped here. But while he is in here his spark would show to colors. One, the purple would stand for the dark energon and the light blue would stand for ratchet's life force. The reason why ratchet systems have been shutting down is because of the dark energon manual shutting them down but that's not the only reason. Ratchet's life force has been in conflict with the dark energon every since it has entered his systems and it has been losing. It's been getting weaker and the dark energon has been feeding off of his life force in order to finally take over him. Now he must fight his dark counterpart in order to complete the reboot while everyone else watches. 

 I hope the primes give ratchet strength because the sakes has never been higher!

Ratchet POV 

It felt very cold and dark where I was. All around me was nothing but pitch black as I continued to fall. My optics then shot up and looked around. My optics then caught the attention of 12 light and 7 other lights in the distance. Then I heard a voice and I immediately knew where I was. ("Oh look it's my weaker half is it time yet")? Yes I believe so now get out of my processor or be put down. ("I'm not scared of a medic who can't even handle the truth"). Wait you k-know about that I said as I grew in fear. ("Ratchet where we are I can feel everything you feel and I know everything you know fool"). ("Your so weak I don't even know why you bother in fighting back"). I told you I won't let you take my body I said seriously. ("Yeah well I don't know about that ratchet you seem off like your helm an't in the right place"). Get out of my head your just using this to trick me. ("Ratchet if I were to trick you I would of won already oh and that reminds me blaze did you find her yet")? I immediately felt ashamed cause he knew the answer but he would probably want me to say it. W-we d-didn't f-find her yet. ("Wow you make it look as if you really don't care about blaze"). ("Or just like the rest of the autobots you could not save or find in time what a shame"). YOU HAVE NOT RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT THAT?! DO YOU KNOW WOW HARD IT IS TO BE AN ONLY MEDIC?! I HAVE TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS FINE TO FIGHT OVER AND OVER AGAIN BUT NO ONE IS THERE IF I WOULD NEED FIXING?! ("See now your making excuses for not being there for others and what fixing you need you barley good out into the field"). 

("I wonder what would blaze think if she saw you in the state that you are in now")? LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! ("Oh but she does more than you know besides I'm gonna use this to destroy you entirely"). I then feel something getting pulled out from my processor. Argh s-stop it please! I begged but the pain only got worse as I felt like I was gonna pass out again. ("You know if you keep fighting it you will only hurt yourself more"). Then he pulls the memories out of my processor making me scream in pain as I hit the ground. ("You see the reason why I've decided on bringing that memory up again is because it's the reason why were here in the first place"). ("Even though you can't see blaze you still feel connected to her which means you can feel huge amounts of pain coming from just thinking about her"). ("Now ask yourself why am I able to with ease pull out the negative emotions inside of you well because you made me"). Normally dark energon if it was inside you it would shut you down slowly but in your case the primes decided on the reboot"). ("Which means I can feel everything you feel and I can pull out your negative emotions because"). ("You feed me more negative emotions which gave me the boost I needed in order to act you directly"). 

("That's not all ratchet this place I can bend anything to my will"). ("Nothing in this place can be control by you"). W-why it's it shared b-by the b-both of u-us? ("Yes it is but you are not strong enough to do something like this and with this I will kill you"). ("Well let's see how blaze reacts to you"). W-what I then felt a huge surge of pain hit my spark, I felt like I would offline right there but. ("Blaze said, ratchet is that you"). I then look up and see, blaze?! She was completely normal like the whole mech accident never happened. She then walked up and I looked at her with my optics tears threaten to break. B-blaze I'm-,I then got cut off when she said. ("You failed to protect me"). ("You didn't try hard enough"). ("You just left me and let me get hurt"). ("You didn't even try and reach out for me through the bound did you")? I then looked away not wanting to look at her directly because I knew what she was saying was true. B-blaze I'm so so so sorry about what happened to you. ("NO YOUR NOT IM JUST SOME WORTHLESS HUMAN TO YOU HUH")! ("YOU NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO SO WITH HUMANS IN THE FIRST PLACE SO WHY CARE FOR ME")! Because blaze your different than the rest I ................................... . ("YOU NEED WHAT HUH WHAT")?! I n-need you blaze since the day I meet you I felt drawn to you. Ever time I use to drop you off to school my processor always thought about you. 

You made me feel better and I grow to have strong feelings for you. you. ("Ratchet you have failed to may times with me"). ("You made me get captured and tortured just because they wanted your autobots location"). ("You said that you love me but I do feel the same way about you"). ("I don't love you not even the slightest I hate this war"). ("I hate that our planet got crossed in the fire when it came to your war"). ("I mean you failed to fix bumblebee's voice box, you and the rest of the team failed to save cliff"). ("You couldn't even said you originally spark mate could you"). ("Your carrier died because no one helped her"). ("So no ratchet I don't love you"). ("How can I love some one who fails at almost everything"). 

Ratchet (TFP) love story part 2: Hold me closeWhere stories live. Discover now