Part 8 : The calm before the storm

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* back at the base and  blazes POV*

Me and ratchet both returned to the base. We have both discussed about telling the others about the "ratchet's dream". Ultimately me and ratchet thought that it would be best to discuss it will Optimus since he had the wisdom of the Primes. 

* Flash back*

"Optimus  me and blaze have something that I need to tell you". "Optimus  said, what is it old friend"? Optimus, ratchet had a dream and in that dream he was talking to Primus. Primus told him that how me and ratchet would go through "unmatched pain and unmatched danger". "Optimus then said, did Primus every say when it was going to happen"? "Ratchet said, no he did not and more  importantly he did not have any details". 

"Optimus said, the best course of action now would be to stay in the base both of you just to make sure no harm comes to  you to in any event". "Ratchet said, sure I don't really leave the base anyway but, I am still worried for  2 reasons". "One if this danger is really unmatched then don't you think it could get to us easily even if we were in the base"? "Also what if blazes need things from outside because she has school"? Well I do have a solution for the second reason. We could also get Agent Fowler to say to my principal that I am very sick and Miko , Raf, and Jack could always bring the stuff that I need.  "Optimus said, is that ok for you old friend"? "Ratchet said, yes Optimus I am ok with that". 

* End of Flashbacks*

After that me and ratchet just stayed in the base for 2 weeks while also making sure nothing would happen to us. Sometimes though, I would step out the base for some fresh air and come right back in. Miko, would occasional bring my stuff to sleep and do work, Jack, would help me when I did not understand how to do the work. Raf, would text me when Jack and Miko would arrive and what they did in school today, all what they  were doing for me was pretty nice. After that all the changes the base was normal nothing big going on. Ratchet, would sometimes ask me how I was doing or could I help with project he was working on so if I wasn't doing work I would still be doing something. 

The funny part is, Ratchet now sleeps more than usual. Ratchet would stay in his bed a lot longer and at nights we would Actually be in his brethroom. I would visit him time to time if nothing was really going on but, at the same time I would visit him because I could tell that he was worried just like I was. Which I guess is understandable because it's not normal for anyone or anybot to be in the base so much unless they were injured. "Hey blaze um c-can you come in my brethroom real quick"? Um sure ratchet,  though I quickly noticed that he was shaking a lot like he was gonna fall over. Hey ratchet are you ok you seem scared did something happen? "Y-yeah um d-do you know what happens when your unconsciously think about something really bad that might happen to yourself or someone else"? Ratchet I asked, did you have a nightmare? "Y-yeah it appears so"? Well um do you want to talk about I asked again. "Well not really but I can't get it out my head". 

Ratchet you know it helps to talk to people about your problems right? "Y-yeah I know it just it was terrible it felt so real". Ratchet I said in  a more serious tone while also getting up on top the bed, you need to tell me besides you keeping it in is not good for your health. "Fine if you want to know so bad". "I had just woken up and I tried to move but I couldn't". "Then I looked around and I was tied up". "I was completely alone until megatron came in". "He said that how me wanted me to give up the location of the base". "I obviously refused but it looks like he wasn't having it". "So he to my sevors and started to twist then until both of them broke". "Everywhere even on megatron was covered with my energon". "After he finished he then asked "well would you now tell me the location of your autobot base"? "I said, n-no I w-well N-never TELL YOU"! "He then went and grabbed something out of the darkness". "He then said " well if you won't cooperate well I just force you to". "Then he showed me you in a container with blood all over". "I then shouted, w-what did you do to HER"! "Then he said if I were to cooperate he would not hurt you". "I then said yes I would cooperate but then he stabbed me near my spark out of no where and pins me to the wall". 

"He then holds you over a my sevro   while retracting the blade near my spark and says " but first doctor I have to make you stuff a bit but don't worry knock can fix you but not your charge". "Then he stabbed right through you and me at the same time and you died instantly and then I woke up". W-wow ratchet is that why you were hesitant to tell me. But I promise you ratchet that won't happen. Besides your never the type of person to get affected by these things so what's going on. "Ever since we were told to stay at the base I've felt so out of place". "Cause of all the stress about that dream I have not been the same". Ratchet please stressing your self out is not good.

Not for me and not for you especially you. If you every need me to talk to I am here for you. Oh and at least you get more recharge from all of this I said smiling. "Yeah but sorry for taking your time you should probably go now". Y-yeah true I do have work anyway see you later? "Of course blaze and thank you for everything". 

Hey guys I am back. Hope this chapter it easy to read I am trying not to go all out because their is school coming up and I want to make this chapter easy to read. Anyway byeeee hope to see you later!

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