Part 26: I'm back!

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Arcee POV (lol another one I didn't do lol).

After the primes left we all sat around waiting for ratchet to come back. Hey do you guys know who or what that light was? ("Bumblebee said, nope I have no clue"). ("Bulkhead said, neither do I"). I then look at Optimus who is looking over ratchet. Boss bot do you know what that light was? ("Optimus says, no but I thinks it's a friend from not to long ago"). I wonder who it was I mean by the why she was talking she knew who we were and also knew ratchet. ("Jack said, wait hold on I thought you guys said that the Prime where offline why did they show up")? Jack, the primes showed up because form what I'm guess here is for ratchet's destiny. They probably didn't need to come here as it probably wasn't written in stone for the primes to be here. ("So they can just show up at random")? ("Optimus then answer saying, yes and no the primes have the power to interact with a few individuals based on he situation"). ("They can communicate through the relics if anyone was a prime or in ratchet's case destiny"). ("Jack said, oh okay "). Then a ratchet spark chamber opened and this time it had a white glow. 

("Bulkhead said, whoa what's h-happening now")? I don't know but the three of you get behind one of us. Then the white light came over all of us.

-meanwhile with the decepticons-

Scarlet POV 

("Megatron said, what do you mean we have a problem"). Remember how blaze was thought to be dead? ("Yes why did something change")? Yes b-blaze escaped because she was locked away in my mind from what I'm guess through the dark energon. She then went to help ratchet. ("Then we are compromised we must leave at once"). Yes lord megatron-. I was then cut off by a blinding white light making me close my optics").

The realm of the primes 

Alpha Trion POV (again)

He is finally coming back I see. ("Onyx said,yes he is thankful he pulled through"). Yes but now the final part comes. ("I wonder though why was the light going from blaze gold and his white")? I don't know maybe this has something todo with the prophecy/destiny? ("Maybe also the relics what shall become of those")? The relics will still be in the hand of Optimus but ratchet could also use them just not for fighting. ("This whole destiny thing is starting to making almost no sense"). Yes yes I know but we must remember that cycbertron comes to life after this. ("True but can they really do it"). Well I heard from a human a very long time ago, never judge a book by its cover judge it by there actions. ("Ah indeed actions speak louder than words"). ("Prima said, hey can you two not talk for all to hear for a second I'm trying to see what shall happen next"). Fine I guess we wait then for his return.

Ratchet POV 

("Are you sure he is not offline Optimus")? ("No he is probably in stasis now"). ("But we need him now more than ever")! And here I thought you all couldn't get louder Primus can you try not to damn my audio receptors. ("Bumblebee then said, r-ratchet your awake")! He then hugs me making me flinch but I slowly hug him back. ("Bulkhead said, so it looks like old doc bot here an't leaving us in no time"). I then chuck a wrench at him making him hit the ground roughly. Don't call me doc again seriously. I do thank the primes though for giving your voice box back I said while pulling away. ("Bumblebee said, wait you know about that how"). Uh I could hear you all even the part about my past I said while giving a cold glare at Optimus. ("Optimus said, sorry old friend didn't mean to over step boundaries"). No no it's fine I say with a sigh it would've come out eventually. 

("Wait ratchet do you know what happened with that golden light")? Yes I was blaze she was reaching out for me. ("Arcee said, how do you know")? I talked to her for a bit but then she left. I didn't them about me kissing her though cause I didn't want to be stoned with questions especially now that bumblebee had his voice box back. ("Well thankfully your destiny is completed finally"). ("Now we just got to do is restore cycbertrion"). No Arcee it's not that simple remember the decepticons still have the key and if scarlet told them anything they probably already know what to use the keys for. ("Optimus said, if I understand old friend are you-"). Yes I am we have to go to cybertrion in order to stop the decepticons. ("Arcee says, will you be coming with us")? Yes.........I will and before you say anything Optimus I'm going for 2 reason. I then looked at Optimus how seemed surprised but allowed me to continue. 

One I am going to find some way to help blaze maybe I could somehow free blaze from scarlet. ("Arcee said, do you think you can face her")? My spark warmed up a little making me blush a bit. I-I'll k-know-when I see her I said trying to hide my blush. ("Miko said, YES WE GET TO GET TO CYBERTRION")! No miko I said seriously you can't come because humans can't breathe in our planets toxic gases. ("AWWWWWW fine I guess we stay here then"). And no to that to you guys should go back to school since we would be away decepticons might come after you all if you stay here. ("Optimus said, old friend I shall help you work on the space bridge then")? Yes since your the only one who can use the forge of Solus prime. ("Bulkhead said, speaking of which we're is that and all the relics"). I then reach into my subspace and pull each relic out and give the forge of Solus Prime to Optimus. Okay Optimus I said walking to the ground bridge we should start. I then turn around to see everything expect Optimus look shocked. 

What? ("Optimus then walked up to me and said, nothing old friend just glad to have you back with us"). And I'm glad to be back.

AYHHH NEW CHAPTER DONE YEAHHHHHH! Then end is close now I can see it. *looks into the sky and sees ending*. ANYWAY SEE YOU NEXT TIME PEICE OUT!


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