Part 11: Sick mind and destroyed body part 3

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Author's notes

HEY GUYS REAL QUICK BEOFRE WE START THE CHAPTER I HAVE A STUFF TO TELL YOU ALL! One um if I do some like this (") that shows that some else is talk but it is not there POV also if I say that person name like blaze said then that means see is talking and no one else but that is only if more than one person talking while it is not their POV.Also if someone is talking through a flashback then this is what I will do ( see the way I write it will be like this) Anyway enjoy the chapter cause it is *LONG*! Also if someone is talking to them self in their mind then I will put the letters like this ( see what I am doing) ANYWAY ENJOY! AND MAJOR GORE so if weak stomach read CAREFULLY OK?!

Blaze POV 

After and megatron and his unknown human Allie talk to us over the speaker me and ratchet had fallen asleep. But when we woke up me and ratchet were sore and could barley move. H-hey ratchet g-good morning I said weakly. ("Don't talk blaze it will just hurt more"). Well we have to do something we can't sit here and do nothing. ("Yeah I know but at the moment my com link is gone and my body's leg is sore"). W-well I have barley any strength left to get up cause my stomach is empty. ("Oh that's right we have no refueling in a while ugh"). Then megatron walked in as on cue with what we had said. ("Hello doctor megatron said to what-I owe the pleasure"). ("Ugh no pleasures not for you a-anyway"). 

Hey megatron if it won't kill you can we get stuff to eat? ("HAHAHAHAH no human you nor your guardian will be getting anything"). After that I  mentally cringe at the thought of not eating I mean HOW IN THE WORLD WILL WE NOT EAT that's like impossible for almost anyone. But it looked like ratchet was not fazed at all like he was USE to this or maybe being on that computer put him in a situation like this. ("I will leave you to for the time being oh and don't forget that you have experiments to get done on you today, we will come and get you in 5 minutes"). Then megatron left and somehow that made me feel at ease but I knew at the back of my head what was really coming. 

Then I looked over at ratchet which surprisingly was sleeping he must of been very tried and his leg seemed to get worse. H-hey ratchet I said while he opened his optics, ("what is it now blaze he said with annoyance in his voice"). Well I was wondering have you gotten stuff like this happen to you like um being captured like this! I asked. ("Yeah kind of a couple of times but never experimented but what made you think that")? Well when he said about nothing to eat you were not fazed at all so I thought you might be used to this. ("Yeah I am but not only from this but from doing a lot of work and sometimes skipping recharge"). Well you feeling ok cause you kind of went into recharge? ("N-no my leg hurts but not only that but my wounds are starting to burn and get infected"). 

("Though my main question is how were you blaze able to come back to life with your next snapped")? O-oh um I talk to all 12 of the Primes also do you know who they are? ("Yeah I do he said surprised they are like the leaders of cycbertron"). O-oh ok well I wonder what the others are doing? (" I hope they find us in time but I have a feeling that the worst has yet to come"). Same ratchet same.

While back at the base~

Optimus POV 

Ratchet and blaze have been taken bumblebee. We must see if we can find them quickly before megatron can do anything to them. ("Arcee said also it looks like the com link has been destroyed"). ("Wait Optimus bulkhead said the normal kid nipping would of had just megatron but this time there was LAND vehicles there as well"). How did you find this information bulkhead? 

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