Act 1: Fate

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"Can you read the story again mama?"
"Jiminie, it's late already and you have school tomorrow."
"Oh...okay! Good night mama!"
"Hahaha, good night my beautiful boy."
Little did the boy would be the final night he ever saw his mother...

10 years later

Jimin is 22 years old. He works two jobs every day. One day at the cafe another day at the grocery store. Jimin's mother died 10 years ago in a fire, since then he has lived with his grandmother till 5 years ago when she died. At that time he had a job at the cafe and began to pay rent for his apartment.
Jimin is getting ready for the day so he could go to the cafe and open it on time. Jimin doesn't have a car so he takes the bus or walks. The cafe isn't far so most of the time he walks.
when he arrives his boss is already there.
"Hey Jimin! Why are you here so early? You're not supposed to be here till noon."
"I know it's just that I have nothing to do and I want to get out early so I can go to the store and do some hours there too."
"The rent price went up again?"
"I-H-how did you?"
"Jimin, I've known you since middle school! Every time you come in super early it's cause you need more money either for food or rent. I told you already, Y/n and I don't mind if you live with us at least till you get more money."
Jimin looked at his boss and shook his head. "No! I know your my best friend Tae but you and Y/n need your privacy. I'll just work overtime if I have to."
"No! last time you did you got really sick! So sorry but no overtime for you." Jimin rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. He looked on the computer and saw that there was a pick-up order. Jimin looked at the order and started making the drinks. Taehyung went to the storage room to get a broom to sweep before anyone arrived.
As Jimin was making the last drink of the order, the bell of the door rang.
"Hello! Welcome to Sweet Coffee! What would you like to order." When Jimin saw the man he stopped and looked at him. Jimin took in every detail of the man's face. Hoping to remember everything. As for the man, he was also mesmerized by the young boy.
He looks so cute! He seems really young, I wonder if he still goes to school? But wow! Never have I ever seen such a beautiful face...his lips are so plump and pink...his eyes are small but they look cute! He's so sho-
"Umm...sir?" The man was so lost in his thoughts he forgot the boy asked him for his order.
"Uhh, right! Can I get a large black coffee with a chocolate chip cookie?"
"Alright, is that all?"
"Uh, yes! How much will it be?"
"$10.50" The man took out his wallet and paid. He went to a small table for two and sat down. Jungkook isn't one for sweets but because he wanted to stay longer, he ordered something extra.

"Here you go, sir!"
"Oh! Thank you...Jimin?"
"Huh? Oh, right the name tag." Jimin giggled and when I say the man smiled wide, he did.
"You have a cute laugh."
Jimin stopped in his tracks and looked at him. The man stood up and extended his hand for a handshake
"I think it's only fair that you know my name too. My name is Jungkook." Jimin took Jungkook's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Jungkook."
"Care to sit with me for a while." As Jimin was about to reply Taehyung came and told Jimin that he'll take care of the customers.
"So...what do you do for a living? By the way you're dressed,  you look like a CEO of some big company, hahaha."
"Well, I am..."
", I was not expecting that."
"Hahaha, what about you? Besides working here what do you want to do?"
"I-I want to dance...I have always loved dance...but I can't afford to go to school. I can barely afford rent how am I supposed to pay for something that costs more than my rent! Hahaha."
"Well, one day you will go."
"I'm 22 years old! I'm pretty sure my life will stay like this forever." Jungkook laughed and then he took Jimin's hand and held it.
"Don't discourage yourself...that will be your greatest mistake..."
"My greatest mistake was believing that one day I'll meet my Romeo and he'll take me away from this living hell. Anyways! I should get back to work. Nice meeting you Jungkook." Jimin got up to leave and go back to the kitchen but Jungkook grabbed his hand and stopped him.
"May I at least have your number?" Jimin took out his phone and Jungkook took out his. They exchanged numbers and right after Jimin went back to the kitchen while Jungkook headed outside to get to his car.
Jungkook went back to the company since his workers are apparently slacking since he hasn't been at the company for a long time. When he entered the building, the lady at the front desk told Jungkook that his father was waiting for him at his office.

Jungkook entered his office and saw his father sitting on the couch.
"Jungkook! I have news!"
" what is it?"
"Lighten up! Because you are getting married to the daughter of Mr. Choi!"
"JUNGKOOK! Language! You should be happy! She is very beautiful and rich so she should give you adorable child-"
"Jungkook...please just do what I ask for once! Your mother would have-"
"NO! SHE WOULDN'T HAVE LIKED THIS! IN FACT, SHE WOULD TELL ME TO FIND SOMEONE I LOVE! NOT SOMEONE WHO MY FATHER CHOSE! I DON'T CARE IF SHE'LL HELP THE COMPANY I'M NOT GOING TO MARRY SOME BITCH!" Jungkook turned around and left, slamming the doors. He wasn't going to marry someone he doesn't love. Jungkook did meet her once, he even had a crush on her looks but she just got annoying to him so he hates her.

As for Jimin, he was still working. It was almost his break so he finished off the last order and went to the back to change so he could go on break.
"Lilly! I'm going on my break, register is all yours!"
Jimin left the cafe and walked around. He looked at his phone and scrolled through Twitter. He passed a dark ally way and someone was there, watching him. The stranger slowly approached Jimin, slapping his ass to get his attention.
"Hello pretty boy~ I know I'm not gay...but damm your sexy! I wonder how you would look without any clothes..."

Yay! New fanfic! I'm really excited about this one. It's a short story so it will probably end this week but the good news is that next week I will update Flowering heart and maybe I might be publishing a new but old story. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter

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