"AHHHHHHH STOP!!!" Isla screams fiercely and attempts to move away.

"Somebody come help and hold down her limbs."

"Go sky," Silva looks up at the girls brother, sky doesn't say anything rushing to his sister.

"Sky?- AHHH!!" Isla finally notices her brother but couldn't talk much because of the pain.


"Watch your head!!" Dowling know entering the room sees a potted plant fly across the room.  Another one goes next, and then a bicker and then all sorts of things in the green house start flying across the room.

"Dowling, what's going on!" Sky yells in worry at the headmistress. Dowling thinks for a second and looks to the injured female on the table.

"It's Ilsa- her pain is making her magic act up, she can't control it. We need to sedate her. Harvey?" The man nods stopping the removal and grabs sedatives for the girl.

"Look out!!" Riven yells and another much bigger plant flys straight to dowlings head, thankfully she dodged it just in time.

Harvey comes back to inject the sedatives into the blonde and she finally eased down.

"Go to sleep Ils," Sky assures her.

"You'll feel better once you wake up." And with that the blonde finally shuts her eyes.

"Does he seem worse to you?" Sky asks looking to Silva after getting thrown to his ass by riven.

"What riven gets a compliment and all of a sudden Silva has brain damage?" Riven chuckles and they walk off the practice stage over to a bench where Stella had been sitting on.

"Well it's been a week since him and isla got infected by the burned one," Sky sighs looking to the ground.

"I dunno maybe I'm over reacting."

"Oh you are brother dearie~"

The two boys look to the side to see Isla walking towards them, looking rather okay. For the fact that she was infected—still—by the burned one.

"What are you doing here your supposed to be resting in bed?!!" Sky walks up to the girl inspecting her, making sure she isn't getting worse.

"Ok now your overreacting, Sky. Look I'm fine see," Isla spun in a circle making the two think she was somewhat ok. In reality that twirl hurt quite a bit.

Sky shakes his head sighing once again. He turns to Stella to see what her input was.

"What do you think stell?"

Stella looks up from her phone confused. "About what?" She asks

"Silva. How does he look to you.?"

"Fine." Stella says simply.

"Dr. Stella coming through-" riven starts. "With a zero-effort diagnosis," Isla finishes for him and they look at each other smiling. Riven gestures Isla to come sit on the bench by grabbing her hand and pulling her down.

When She sat down though a wave of pain went through her leg making her wince her face.

"I though you said you were ok?" Riven whispers closely into Islas ear.

"And I am, stop worrying ok!" She whispered back quickly kissing his cheek before the other two on the bench could see.

"Are you training later or we hanging out before the party?" Stella asks dismissing Riven and Islas comment.

Sky doesn't answer with most of his attention on Silva. Stella sees this and sighs.

"Sky he's fine. Professor Harvey still has him on the Zanbaq right?"

"Ya that just manages his and Isla's symptoms. They both won't get better until they kill the burned one that attacked them." Sky quickly responds.

Isla disregards the two of them and turns her attention to the boy beside her.

"Can I come to your dorm before the party? I wanna pregame." Isla whispers in Rivens ear. Maybe the alcohol could numb the terrible pain she keeps on feeling.

"Oh love you don't even have to ask~" riven responds placing his arm over her shoulders. Isla smiles and kisses his cheeks once again thanking him.

Maybe he could also take her mind off of the fact that she might die from a dumb decision she once again made.

Sorry for the late update I was busy with school and other shit😩😩


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