"What happened here?" she asked.

Her question seemed to incite a rush of desperation as the girl instantly jolted up. If it weren't for the tape restraining her wrists, Clarity thought she would grab right onto her.

"Please get me out of here," she pleaded.

Despite her exasperated state, the girl spoke with a clear mind. It was then Clarity realized that the blood smeared on her face did not belong to her.

"Where did the blood come from?" Clarity asked again.

"I-it wasn't me. I just wanted to mess with her, but she suddenly went insane! She's insane!" The girl stammered, thoughts disrupted as she fell into a state of discombobulation.

Clarity inhaled sharply at her words, then narrowed her eyes. "Where's Lune Kim?"

"No, no! Lune, forgive me. I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I promise. I-I'll leave you alone!"

The girl seemed to subconsciously filter out Clarity's words as she shook uncontrollably on the spot. Her gaze shifted from Clarity to the direction towards the balcony and it instantly filled with fear.

"Help! Help!"

Noticing the girl's worsening mental state, Clarity exchanged a knowing glance with Taehyung, who immediately knocked her out. From how things were looking, the best course of action was to silence the girl so she does not lose control and create a ruckus before the police's arrival.

It was at that moment.

A surge of gust blew into the room, causing Clarity and Taehyung to both direct their gaze towards the balcony. Beyond the swaying curtains was a silhouette, standing solemnly under the dark sky.

Hair flying wildly in the wind, Lune Kim leaned half of her body over the ledge as she glanced at the moon. In her right hand was a notebook, drooling with blood while her left hand pressed onto the edge of the metal railing.

It's Lune Kim, but she seemed normal just hours ago...

What happened in this short span of time?

With many thoughts spiralling in her mind, Clarity took a step forward, and the sound caused Lune Kim to spin around instantly. Upon seeing Clarity, her face first contorted with shock, then sternness after noticing the man behind her.

"...You said you did not know him." Lune stiffened. "You liar."

Clarity didn't bother to argue with her, because she knew the current Lune Kim was not in a proper state of mind. Suspecting that the unconscious girl behind the counter was her friend, or maybe bully, there was no way of knowing if there were more people hidden in the apartment, or if any of them were injured.

Clarity rose her arms, facing her palms in a surrendering gesture as she looked towards Lune Kim with a wary smile.

"I thought we were going to watch the concert together? You're not the one to skip out on this." She purposely raised her voice to direct the girl's attention onto herself. "Anything can be solved with a BTS concert."

As she spoke, Clarity stole a glimpse towards Taehyung. With this single movement, the two immediate reached an unspoken agreement and the man merged with the shadows, disappearing into the background.

"It's too late." Lune casted her eyes down with a bitter laugh. "Everything is too late. I thought that no matter what those people did to me, I could endure it all."

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