"Flipendo!" You shouted, waving your wand towards the man. He blocked it. "How much faster can we go, because I feel like bad decisions have been made."

Soon after spells started flying towards the twins, Ginny and yourself, "guys I don't think they're here for you, make a turn I'll try to get to the port key! Go!" You tried to hit the masked man with another spell as the twins and Ginny turned running to the port key.

"Stupify!" You hit the death eater, I can't not know. You noticed he was knocked unconscious and began to walk over. As you stood over his face you swiped your wand over the face.

"Father?" You father was laying at your feet, wearing death eater attire. Oh gosh. You stood and stared, not in disbelief but you didn't want any one else to find out. You began to run towards where the twins turned.

"Freddie?" You said seeing Fred coming towards you.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked holding your shoulders and turning you around.

"Fine Fred, let's go." You said pushing him round and grabbing his hand and pulling him through some trees.

"Look George! Y/n and Fred." Ginny said pointing at you both.

"Port key, hold on to it let's go!" You shouted pulling Fred and you were about to reach the port key. You soon all began spinning as you arrived in a forest close to the burrow.

"Come on guys, dawns breaking." You said beginning to walk.

"Y/n did you see who it was? The man?" George asked.

"Uhm, no not all, I just ran." You lied, you didn't want your friends to think anything different of you.

"Really? You didn't look when you knocked him off his ass." Fred added.

"Fred knock it off I said I didn't know." You replied waking off quicker.

Soon you were quite far ahead of the rest as you began to see the burrow in the distance. You turned and saw the twins were now with the rest of the family, Harry and Hermione, you decided to hold back to make sure everyone was okay and well.

"Y/n we heard what happened, you holding up okay?" Arthur asked as they inched closer.

"Yeah I am, I'm just very tired." You replied.

"Well let's get to the house then." He said passing you.

When you were in a close reach to the burrow, Molly came running out. You could tell she had been crying.

"Oh my godric! You're all okay! Come here all of you." She came up to everyone individually and inspected them while hugging them.

After catching up and explaining what had happened during the death eater attack you decided it would be best to go for a shower.

As you were about to close the door, someone else had another idea.

"Darling, something happened I know it did. What's wrong?" He asked sympathetically.

"Nothing Fred, I just was scared and tired and stuff." You shrugged, avoiding to look him in the eyes.

You felt dirty knowing your family were now actively involved in supporting Voldemort. You were sleeping in the same house as Harry- no one can know. 

"Y/n I know you're lying."

"Freddie, please I don't want to talk about it, I just want to go for a shower. I need to write to some people, make sure they're all okay." You sighed, directing Fred out the bathroom.

After showering you got dressed into some fresh clothes and went down to the rest of the family. Everyone was feeling quite low, Harry had told you all a man conjured the dark mark in the sky. And you felt guilty, knowing your surname had something to do with it.

During the day you had been chilling around the burrow, helping everyone with their homework and finishing a book. You still hadn't slept a wink, the duel with your father was playing in your head all day.

"Right kids, time for bed, come on come on. You only have a few days of summer left to enjoy." Molly said ushering us all up to bed.

You entered the twins room and lied down, barely speaking a word.

Fred's POV
I looked over to George, we both noticed that something was bothering her- something she won't tell us.

"Night y/n." I said. She simply made a humming sound and shifted in her bed.

I gazed back to George, he looked confused and almost worried. We both decided to go to sleep, not wishing to push her too much.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя