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"Are you all right?",   I ask Melanie and she nods her head sweetly smiling.

  We are currently seated in Krist's private plane as we are flying to Milan for a conference. 

It is Mel's first time flying and she is very excited.  She looks adorable in her white pants and  pink top, with a jacket on top.

She is going through a picture book that Krist has bought her.

I buckle her seat belt and look around waiting for Krist to show up.  He is in the bedroom of the plane,  speaking to someone important. Almost twenty minutes have passed, and I am starting to get worried.  I hope everything is alright.  And then, just when I am about to get out of my seat, I see the door open and he walks out.  He looks so big and I admire him,  taking my own sweet time.  He smiles as his eyes fall on me and Mel.

He walks towards me and sits next to us.

"What are you reading?" , he asks Melanie who whines to get out of the seat, because she wants to sit on his lap.

"Awh, sweetheart you can sit with uncle Krist after the plane takes off, okay?"  , I tell her and she says okay.

The plane begins to take off and I look over at Mel who is looking outside amazed until it speeds up terrifically and that's when I see her eyes filled with fear.

"It's nothing, darling.",   I say but she looks at us with tears in her eyes.  She extends her arms towards Krist and me.

I pat her back as she moves a little and hugs Krist tightly and he hugs her back.

  "It's alright, it's nothing. See, look outside, isn't it beautiful?",   he says and Mel slowly removes her head from her chest and looks outside.

"The plane has to really fast to go up in the air." , he explains as she looks outside mesmerized.

"Everything is so tiny."  , She says and they both  continue to talk and I realize she's now calmed down.

After a while, he unbuckles her seatbelt  and she happily sits on his lap and lays her head on his chest ,  as they both lazily talk about the mountains.

I smile at them and open a magazine to read and pass time with.  A while later, Melanie goes to sleep in the bedroom after eating her lunch,  leaving Krist and I alone.

He is sitting opposite to me working in his laptop and I am really bored.  He is completely ignoring me and I want his attention.

I slowly remove my feet from my shoes and then extend my legs up to him. I start from his ankle and slowly touch his leg with my toes. 

He raises an eyebrow at me surprised. 

"What is this behavior, Mister Harper?", he asks, shutting his laptop as my excitement increases. 

He grabs my foot and draws slow circles on it, which is so pleasurable to me. 

"Well, I have a workaholic boyfriend who doesn't pay attention to me, at all.",   I exaggerate and pout my lips.

"Poor you. Who could resist a man like you?" , he asks as his fingers grip my ankle tightly.

He lets go of my foot and gets up. 

I pull my leg back and look at him confused as he makes him way towards me. 

He leans in and his lips from him hover over mine as I start to shiver.

He continues his sensual assault on my body as his fingers move down my chest and go lower until he grips my thighs with his hands.

I voluntarily spread my legs for him, as his fingers trace up my thighs over my jeans .

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