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"Jesus Christ, Mr Prachaya. Don't you have eyes??" 

He yells harshly but I couldn't care less about that right now. My chest is burning like hell and it hurts.

"What are you- ", I ask confused as he proceeds to yank me towards himself.

He then rippes my shirt open making me gasp. 

"What are you doing??",   I ask trying to cover myself.

He arches a dangerous stare at me and I shut up immediately.

He lifts me up and takes me to the bathroom which I would appreciate
if I wasn't in his arms right now.

"Can you put me down?", I ask, "It's burning and I need t-

I get shocked and flustered as he pulls out my torn shirt and begins to pour cold water over my chest.

I feel incredibly...hot and my  body is flushed at the intimacy.  I have forgotten the pain. My mind is in a spiral looking at this handsome man, , pouring cool water over my bare chest. 

"Will you be okay from here on?" , he asks,  looking me in the eye.

I simply keep staring at him, lost in I don't know what. 

"Mr Prachaya??", he asks again.

"Yes yes Im-", I jerk up from my daze and look away from him, "I will. Thanks"

"There's the ointment which helps with burns", he averts his eyes from me and points at a drawer, "Hope you'd be able to apply it yourself"

I nod.

"I'll ask Volet to arrange some clothes for you.  From now, always keep an extra pair of clothes with you, Mister Prachaya. "

I nodded, my face still flushing red at the situation.

He leaves the bathroom and I exhale.

I see the damage in the mirror thankfully not so much. A small scar  maybe.

I hear a knock and Violet comes in with a similar red shirt and I wear it after applying the ointment. I thank her and then walk out of the bathroom.

"Mister Prachaya, come here." , Mr Perawat says,  motioning to the chair in front of him.

I start to feel my heart through my chest as I know I haven't been doing my best as an employee. He is going to fire me for sure and I'm not going to deny, I deserve that.

I sit down infront of him and prepare myself to face his wrath.

"What's going on, Mister Prachaya?  Is there something that I should know? ", he asks in a calm yet stern voice.

This is totally not what I was expecting.

"Uhh..what do you mean, Sir?"

"You seem lost and you daydream way too nuch. You don't complete your on time and it happens due to lack of concentration"

"Sir, It's just..  I .. "

" What is it?  "

" I ... miss .. "" ... my daughter. ", I say looking down at my hands. I feel tear fill my eyes as  I look down thinking about Mel, "I want to see my daughter . I haven't seen her properly for weeks"

I am weak. I only have Jane and Melanie in my life. Mel is everything to me and not being able to spend time with her is killing me.

"You can bring her to the office", he says with a straight face.

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