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I wake up at Jane's house with a throbbing headache. Even on returning home late and drunk , I wake up right on time, must be my habit formed over years.

I groan and touch my forehead. I look around to see two tablets and a glass of water next to me. I smile instantly and take them.

Slowly last night's memories flash back in my eyes. I smile as I think about how Mr Perawat helped me up the stairs and put me to bed.

I don't remember what happened after that other than me passing out in a second as soon as my head hit the bed.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I step out I realize I can hear voices from the living room.

I walk out rubbing my eyes and I'm stunned to see Mr Perawat, Jane and Melanie sitting on the sofa and talking to each other.

What is he doing here?

They all look at me and Mel instantly runs to me and hugs me.

"Papa are you okay?", Mel asks... looking at my hungover self with my hair that looks like a crow's nest.

I smile and pick her up and she hugs me, "I'm fine baby",

I walk to the sofa and sit down as Jane has the widest smile on her face.

"Hey M-Mr Perawat" , I say, a bit afraid to speak to him after last night.

"Good morning Singto", he says.

I feel giddy as he calls me by my name again. I swear Jane is going to tease me to death later about this. She already looks like she's about to explode out of excitement.

"I didn't want to leave you alone last night. Drunk people are prone to accidents", he says with a straight face.

I can see Jane trying not to squeal. She is acting like a fangirl who's ship is about to set its sail.

"That's really very sweet of you", Jane says to Mr Perawat.

"Where did you sleep?", I ask.

Mr Perawat pats the couch.

"Oh my god that would've been so uncomfortable! I'm so sorry! You could've slept on the bed-" , I do not realize what I am saying until Jane chokes on her coffee because of my words.

I glare at her as Melanie gives Jane a confused look.

"I mean you could've put me on the couch and you should've taken the bed", I say.. almost sluttering.

"Now, I would never do that. ", he says smiling.

" I'm sorry again, for being such an inconvenience. "

"Don't apologise papaa! Uncle Krist loves us", Mel speaks out of nowhere, "You taught me that we always take care of the people we love, right papaa?"

Time for Jane to choke on her coffee once again.

I see Mr Perawat smiling widely like an idiot.

" Alright, umm, Mel let's get you ready for school. ", I clear my throat as I get up and drag her to the bathroom.

"I.......'ll get the groceries then...?", Jane says to me with a mischievous smile on her face and then turns to Mr Perawat and asks, "You're gonna stick around right?"

"Uhh..no I gotta go now", Mr Perawat says.

I leave Mel in the bathroom and come outside to speak to Mr Perawat.

" Do you maybe want to have breakfast before you leave? ", I ask him carefully.

" That would be great", he says, making me smile.

From Here, To EternityUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum