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I am sort of embarrassed. I had gotten so horny yesterday night that I grinded on his erection.

I need to chill, seriously.

With that being said, I walk into his office nervously with a file.

As soon as he sees me, his eyes lits up and he bites the corner of his lip.

"Mind closing the door Mister Prachaya?" , he asks calmly looking at me. And all my resolve melts.

I close the door and I go and sit on his lap, kissing him and bouncing on him.

I suddenly break away from him.

"This is not right! Somebody may see us.", I say.. wiping my lips.

"Isn't it exciting, though?" , he asks.

I slyly smile at him and nod.

"So I was thinking .." he starts, "You and Melanie should come home today for a movie and sleepover"

"What are we, twelve?" , I tease as he chuckles .

"Come on. I miss Melanie", he says, " And I want you in my bed"

He places soft kisses along my neck.

" I'll think about it", I say and he makes a face at me making me chuckle.

After that we have lunch together outside at a nearby restaurant. It is unbelievable how comfortable I am around him lately. I don't mind how his hand is always protectively over my back when I walk. I don't mind how he looks out for me and holds my hand while crossing the road or how he would cups my face and tells me I'm his.

I missed this happiness that comes with liking someone that likes you back. I am watching myself falling for Krist, hard.

Is his the right thing to do? Melanie is really attached to him and I am too. God forbid if he gets over me someday like Camilla did and we break up, it might hurt Melanie in the process.

If we ever break up, how will I deal with Melanie's love for him? Would I stay? Would he keep in touch?

"You okay?", I hear Violet ask and I jerk out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm good." I say.

"Soo..." she starts , as she sits opposite to my desk, " Sav's throwing a party and she wants you to come."

"Hmmm, speaking of Sav, what are you girls upto?", I ask , wiggling my eyebrows.

"Ummm ... we're kind of together" , she says smiling at me.

I smile widely at her , happy for the both

"Thank god! Finally!", I say excited. "I'm so happy for you "

"Yeah, thanks." , she playfully rolls her eyes because she hates any attention and anything that is over the top.

"So you're coming?"

"Uh ..."

"Please come on!" , she urges


"With Jane!"

"Jane is out of town.." , I press my lips.

"Well, umm we'll figure it out but you're coming!" , she says and I just nod out of pressure.

I really feet I am going out too much and neglecting Melanie.

This is not right.

Later when I am in my office, I see Krist enter and close the door behind him.

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