Chapter Two: First Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Fine! I'll do it!" Pissed that he just agreed, he stood and paced across the room. "How much? When and where?" He asks.

"Awesome! I knew you'd come through for me!"

"Whatever. Just send me the information that I need and I'll see to it." Drexler grumbles before hanging up on Griffin.

"Damn it. I was hoping to take the day off and relax." He says, his eyes glued on the entrancing spinning fan.

Drexler was in his truck speeding down the highway. A humorless laugh escaped him. "Great. This is what you do, Drexler. Small bullshit gigs. Fuck!" He hits the steering wheel out of frustration.

He met Griffin when he first came to Chicago. Met him at a pizza parlor and from there they've been acquaintances. He gave enough information to Griffin and Griffin was the type of guy to know certain individuals. The jobs were plenty and ranged in all manners of ways. Griffin had his fingers in the seedy pool, able to snatch jobs easily enough. Jobs could range from intimidation, collecting, escorting, babysitting, spying, it didn't matter because Drexler would take them. Money is money and for someone like him who can't settle down, it's the best fit. Less people to know, less reason and chances for something to go wrong.

For those twenty two years he's worked on himself and learned about his 'condition'. Drexler could transform at will and pain free. He's even learned to use it for some situations, but rarely does Drexler transform. The monster he becomes haunts him. Now that he's an adult his mutated form resembles a 7 foot beast that walks on two legs with medium sized wings that sprout from his back. A single horn is situated in the center of his head, and his hair recedes into the scales. His brows become more pronounced, his nose stretches with his teeth lengthening dangerously. A large tail swishes behind him, slapping the ground heavily. His arms have equally large hands that hang low to his sides, each with claws that can slice through metal.

Any normal life that Drexler dreamed of will always be just that, a dream. Reality is far more vicious. Gps on his phone told him to make the next right as he exits the highway heading for O'hare International Airport. The airport loomed over him, he passed the flights until he made it to disembarking.

His phone beeped again and with a quick flick of his thumb, a file opened up revealing a beautiful brunette. A woman far different than the fiery redhead that left that morning. Something about the brown haired woman staring back at him with those lush, chocolate colored eyes, pulled at him. A tingling of recognition but unable to pinpoint it. A crowd of people exited the building. Drexler looked for the woman that matched the photo.

"Maybe I should have used a sign." He mused.

Shuttles and taxis fought for supremacy as they tried to collect people. His eyes caught a blue hat over the bobbing heads. The woman was short, the hat disappearing and reappearing as she moved around looking for something. She came to the curb and peered around, her head sweeping left to right. Her cheeks were full with high cheekbones, her pert nose was adorably small. Brown locks of hair snuck out from under her blue hat.

Looking back at the picture Drexler compared the two. "Seems that's my girl.Time to play escort. Fuck my life." With another groan he jumped out of his truck and walked around the back end to the curb and tried waving the blue hat woman over.

"Hey! Blue hat girl!" He calls out over the throng of people. The woman turned her head looking for his voice.

"Over here!" He calls out again.

The woman met his eyes and for a moment there was a spark of recognition in her eyes but it vanished just as quickly. She hobbled over with a beaming smile, she holds her hand out to him.

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