Sweet Feelings (Sex Warning)

Start from the beginning

Y/n recollected himself and pulled Momo towards him, his toned arms wrapping around her. He thought that he was still broken, still not whole.

But her smile was healing.

"Have you decided what you're going to tell them?"

Y/n shook his head. "I don't know. I mean...you're the mastermind here, all about strategy and having plans," he spoke, his voice barely higher than a whisper and Momo found herself smiling at the compliment. She hummed in understanding to his statement but her look was betrayed as amusement by the playful spark in her eyes. "What am I supposed to tell them?"

"Well, if there's one thing I learned being with you is that life throws curve balls literally every single day. Now that I look back on everything that's happened, I tend to believe things are sometimes better left unknown. Certainly there have been ups and downs, but...the moment I first set eyes on you, our first kiss, your confession and even our first time. This all has been a blessing. But I don't think I would have felt the same if these parts of our story had been spoiled. It's foolish, I know, but if you're always in control," and Y/n had to try his best not to make a joke at her choice of words, "if you always know what's going to happen, then it makes everything seem less special. Sometimes you have to just let things play out. I love you, and you mean everything to me. And whatever fate awaits, I want to be by your side to take that big leap into the unknown." He nodded, keeping Momo's each and every word in mind.

Y/n smiled, "That's definitely a perspective I hadn't considered."

"Besides..." What was just amusement in her sparkling, midnight eyes had now turned into a teasing smirk, tugging at the corner of her lips. And he knew, upon seeing that smirk, that she was going to be as much help as she would be teasing. But what could he say? It was all he could do to control the sudden urge to feel the stretch of her lips beneath his own when she gave him *those* smiles that made her seem like she's made out of laughter. "...you are the one who wanted to have a talk with them a few seconds ago."

"I never said that," Y/n raised a finger in objection as if to make his point. "I said I needed to have a talk with them, not that I wanted to," he defended. Momo rolled her eyes and eventually let a breathy laugh escape her lips at the way her boyfriend played with words. "This isn't the same thing at all. If I could, I'd run away and lock myself in my room."

Y/n looked down at the aimless patterns she was tracking on his hoodie. Momo's eyes were dark with focus. "You can't lock yourself into your room after promising me a 'movies and cuddling' session, Y/n." She raised her gaze to the point they made eye contact. "If you really don't feel like talking at the moment, I could always go and tell them," she softly proposed, tilting her head on one side as she said so.

"That only means I have to do it later..." Y/n exhaled a long breath.

"I'm sure they would understand. Anybody could tell the last couple of weeks have been stressful...for you more than anyone else. Besides they've been knowing about All For One and they had the right amount of intelligence not to pry on you. And it's not like they've been avoiding you-"

"Mineta has," the 'Darkness' owner objected.

Momo giggled, "It's different. Mineta has been avoiding you and me as a matter of fact, because of the death glare you throw at him whenever he looks in my direction, if only unconsciously."

"I can't help that. He just gets through my nerves," Y/n shrugged.

She pressed her palm against his cheek and he nuzzled into the touch. "I know. And I'm very much appreciative of it. Thank you for taking care of me," she whispered lovingly. And, he realized as she pecked his lips, it didn't really make a difference, whether it was April at that park and they were kissing for the first time, under the cherry blossoms or if it was September months later, Momo kissing him in what they, by the time, assumed was the principal's office. Her lips still tasted the same, and her hair was so soft and smelled like lavender, and if there were one thing he knew it's that love was sneaking up on him kinda like how time did, slowly, without warning, until you looked outside and realized it was pitch black. "Are you feeling any better?"

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