Chapter 193: Birth of the Young Prince

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The bulge on Bai Xiangxiu’s stomach had grown to the point where it had begun to hinder her regular movements. The old madame was so happy that her eyebrows disappeared into her hairline everyday from all her smiling. Every so often, she’d visit Bai Xiangxiu to see her unborn grandchild. She would come so often that it was making Bai Xiangxiu anxious.

One must understand that during this kind of time period, it wasn’t very appropriate for the old madame of a household to visit a concubine so often. However, the old madame was only here to see her grandchild, so Bai Xiangxiu couldn’t possibly decline her visit. Furthermore, the old madame was already getting on in her years, and there wasn’t much more left that she desired.

Well, she can visit all she wants. I have nothing to hide anyways. After sending the old madame off, Bai Xiangxiu began to gently caress her stomach. He’s so restless these days. Every so often, I can feel him kicking and nudging inside.

Long Heng said that he’s an innate general. He even said that he’ll teach him some martial arts after he’s born.

He’s already made plans to torture my son before he’s even born. Bai Xiangxiu let out a soft sigh. How was she supposed to leave this all behind when all she could do was worry about a new issue every day? She was worried about her child. Even though the gender was still a mystery, she couldn’t help but feel pity for him. Her child was going to be motherless immediately after birth. Will he be bullied? What if his stepmother is a calculative bitch? What if she feeds him poison from a young age and turn him into a cripple? Or even kills him when he grows up? So many things might go wrong!

“What are you thinking of?”

“Promise me you won’t wed another woman. Alright?” Bai Xiangxiu said agitatedly as she turned around and tugged on Long Heng’s collar.

Long Heng noticed that she seemed to be extremely disturbed by something. He held her hands tightly and did his best to reassure her . “Of course. I will not marry another woman. Don’t be so agitated.”

“You promised me so easily. You must be lying! You’re going to marry again and that evil woman will treat my son harshly because he’s concubine born, and thus will always be a step lower than her own children.” This problem had been eating away at Bai Xiangxiu lately. However, she’d suppressed it because they’ve never been treating her child as if it was concubine born. However, she was still a little uneasy about it, which was why she spoke up.

Long Heng caressed her anxious little face and said, “That won’t happen. I will kick them all out if they dare try. Don’t worry, nobody is going to harm our child.”

Bai Xiangxiu was visibly calmer after hearing his words. However, she was still stricken with guilt for wanting to return home and leaving Long Heng by himself. She hesitated for a moment and continued, “Long Heng, I will allow you to marry another woman, but can you search for someone who is kind and gentle? Someone who would never harm our child? Pay attention to what is happening at home after that too. Don’t immerse yourself with work and let our child be brought up by others.”

“Xiu’er, What’s wrong?” Why does it sound so much like her last words? Long Heng had an extremely bad feeling about things. He suddenly gave Bai Xiangxiu a hug and caressed her head. “Stop having such foolish thoughts.”

Bai Xiangxiu nodded her head. How can I not entertain such thoughts? She soon felt some discomfort in her stomach again. She caressed her stomach, “He’s being naughty again.”

Long Heng caressed her stomach tenderly as well, but Bai Xiangxiu responded by wincing in pain. She bent her back a little and began to groan from the pain.

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