2.9K 132 17


It's been a while since I entered any contest on Wattpad. 

This is my first time entering the Open Novella Contest, and I'm doing it for the fun of sharing a new story and the love of writing.

I might not go far concerning the contest (like George Micheal I've got to have faith), but I hope the story makes you laugh.

This is my first draft, so obviously, you might stumble on a few crooked sentences and greasy typos.

It's an adult-themed story. The characters are older than in most Wattpad books. All I have to say is life carries on after twenty-five or thirty; a lot of us forget that.

Some of my character's mentality might have you thinking they're younger. Most don't take themselves seriously. Please do not take to heart any thoughts or comments, especially Lee's foe mouth words.

This said, the novella has some swearing, and the character's opinions are sometimes biased for the purpose of the book. Please don't go imagining I share such views.

I hope you enjoy the story and hang a few stars on my chapter curtains, or let me know what you do/don't like if you feel up to it.


As expected I didn't get passed round one. It was fun though, the contest allowed me to write a new story and 20k words within two weeks. Good luck the the participants.

I will continue to update since I have almost all the drafts now.

Thank you

Take care

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