Living With A Police Officer Chapter Sixteen

Start from the beginning

           Drew's parents live in BeachTown, which is a three days drive from here. All I know is that Drew's parents have a mansion for a house and it's on their on private island, just a little ways out of BeachTown.  

          Drew also tells me there are lots of things to do because it's a tourist town.

There aren't any historical landmarks or museum's there; it's more of a honeymoon tourist town.

There are tons of beaches -thus the name- tons of little boutiques and shops. Around this time of the year there's always a fair going on and there's a bunch of amusement parks to go to. Can you see why I'm excited to be going?

The only thing that has me worried is if his family will like me. Someone might've told them about me being a delinquent and almost getting sent to jail, I don't want them to know that and judge me for it. I made a mistake, and I won't ever do it again.

Drew and I hop into the Ute and he drops our bags in the back beside Echo who already has his head out the window and his tongue hanging out.

I plug my iPod in, choosing random and pull on my sunglasses to shade my eyes. I roll down my window and throw my air up into a messy bun at the side of my head to keep it from flying all over the place.

Drew pulls onto the highway and cranks up the music, bobbing his head along with the beat.

"Tell me about your family" I turn down the music a notch so I can hear him.

"Well my mom is wedding planner, one of the best there is in the business, my father owns practically every business there is in Beach town"

I nod my head.

If only my parents could've chosen that path of life other then the one they did choose.

I don't think about my parents much, I don't like to. Their jobs embarrass me, they disgust me. It's the reason I never brought my friends or my boyfriend's home.  I didn't have many of either of those as it is because most of the kids I went to school with saw my mother on street corners in the slums, or heard about Moolah and had suspicions that he was my father. It wasn't my fault Dad sent guards with me to school to keep me from revealing his identity; people just assumed there was something up with my family.

"My younger sister Sassy is- dude Sassy is bubbly, fun, annoying, she is an amazing volleyball player, she loves people and people love her"

A permanent smile is plastered to Drew's face, has been since we left the house. He really is excited to see he's family.

 I don't know why he felt he had to bring me along; I'm not part of his family. They don't even know me and yet, he's bringing me to his sister's wedding. I wouldn't care if he left me home- yea I would, I'd be lonely without Drew, I've grown to enjoy his company- he didn't have to bring me and because he did, I'm grateful.

I've never actually been around a family since I left mine, nor have I been to a wedding before. I almost went to my sister's, but the wedding was called off a week before. The groom backed out and slept with his ex. They were a little young too. 19, in case you were wondering.

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