"Come on! I'm so sick of seeing you admire Tadashi when he serves!" Kageyama complained. Tsukishima tch as Lev chuckled a bit.
Kageyama, Lev, and Tendou always try to get the two to finally tell each other their feelings but their plans were never successful.

After having their break, they all went back to playing volleyball until the afternoon. It was 3pm and they were all getting ready to go back to their homes. They all packed their stuff and bid goodbye to one another and they went their separate ways. Kageyama decided not to go to his house yet. He went to the markets to buy some milk and meat buns. He had some money in his pocket so he could buy the snacks he wanted. He went to the milk store first, since it was near the entrance of the market. He got two small milk boxes. He then looked around to see where the bread store is since that is where the meat buns are at. He looked around for a bit and saw the store. He excitedly walked there and opened the store's door to get in. One of the workers greeted him and went back to work. Kageyama then walked to the shelf, in where the meat buns are at. Kageyama saw the sign that says 'buns' and went there, only to find that the meat buns were on the top shelf. 'Damn it.' Kageyama whispered to himself. Kageyama couldn't reach it. Kageyama was to embarrassed to try and jump to get it. He also didn't want to climb on the shelfs to cause a scene. He also is too shy and scared to ask one of the workers to get it for him. 'Curse my short genes.' Kageyama said as he pouted and stomped his feet a little, without making a loud sound so that no one would hear him complaining. As Kageyama was trying to figure out on how he was gonna get the meat buns, a certain orange haired man went in to the store. Kageyama couldn't hear the workers greet him. Kageyama was in his own world trying to figure out on how to get the love of his life. The orange haired man who just walked in, went to the shelfs in where the buns were and saw Kageyama there standing awkwardly with a thinking face on. He chuckled at him and went to where Kageyama was and reached out to get two meat buns. Kageyama noticed a long arm and looked to his side to see,

"Hinata!" Kageyama said. Shoyo then looked at Kageyama with a smile, holding two meat buns.

"Hey! It's nice to meat you again, blueberry!" Hinata said as he smiled. Kageyama then got confused.

"Blueberry? Again?" Kageyama asked the guy. Hinata then smiled and chuckled. He looked at Tobio and said,

"I don't know your name yet, blueberry." He said to Tobio. Tobio then got a little pink since he got embarrassed.

"Right right! I'm so sorry I didn't tell you my name!-" Kageyama said panicking.

"Woah woah! Calm down." Hinata said to the blacked haired male, trying to calm him down.
"You can just tell me your name now." Hinata said.

"Right!" Kageyama said before continuing.
"My name is Tobio Kageyama." Kageyama said with a shy smile. Hinata smiled back.

"Well then, what are you doing at the bread store?" Hinata asked. Tobio then looked at him.

"O-oh! Well, I wanted to get some meat buns." Tobio answered with ease. Shoyo then got a bit curious.

"Then, why haven't you got one yet?" He asked. Tobio's eyes then widened a bit then got a bit embarrassed. He didn't want to tell him that he was too short to get the buns. As Hinata was waiting for the answer to his question, Kageyama was deciding whether to tell him about his embarrassing situation or just lie. Of course he didn't want to lie. Tobio then got himself together and decided to tell Hinata.

"Well,... I.." Kageyama tried speaking out.
"I can't reach..." Kageyama whispered. Shoyo then looked at him with curiosity.

"What was that?" Shoyo asked the guy. Kageyama then just shouted it out.

"W-WELLICAN'TREACHTHESHELFCAUSEI'MSOFREAKINGSHORTANDICAN'TGETMYYUMMYMEATBUNS!!" Kageyama shouted out then got red. For some reason, Shoyo knew what Kageyama said and laughed. Kageyama then looked at Hinata with a embarrassed and red face.
"Oh be q-quiet!" Kageyama said whining. He kept telling him to stop but Shoyo kept laughing.

Kageyama then got Hinata to stop laughing at him after a few minutes. Shoyo then decided to help Tobio with his situation and got him his meat buns. After that whole conversation, they both went to the counter to pay for their food. The cashier looked at Hinata for a millisecond and bowed and greeted him. Kageyama was confused with what was happening but shrugged it off. Hinata insisted to pay for Kageyama but Kageyama said that he didn't have to. Hinata kept begging. After a few minutes, Hinata won the argument and payed for their meat buns. After, they both decided to hang out with each other for a bit. They got to learn cool things about each other.

Tsukishima Age : 15
Yamaguchi Age : 13
Tendou Age : 14
Lev Age : 15

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