First Word

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The FrUK family was sitting on the couch relaxing. Y/N was sitting on her father's lap watching Arthur drink his tea. She was very interested in the steaming liquid. From what she understood, it was called tea and her mother seemed to enjoy it. She wanted to try it, so she decided to ask for it.

"T-" she started.

"Look mon chéri! She is trying to say something!"


Y/N looked up innocently at her parents. One was devastated and one looked extremely proud.

"That's right love. This is tea. You aren't old enough for it yet though."

Y/N looked crestfallen at the news that she couldn't have some tea.


There was no doubt that Y/N was a good kid, but she was really close to Lovino. Causing her to pick up on his *ahem* language. So it's not surprising, to me at least, (Y/N: Don't break the fourth wall Amelia. Me: Sorry!) what her first words were.

The Vargas-Carriedo family was just sitting on the couch when Y/N decided to try to talk.


"Aww...Oh I think they’re about to say their first word!" Antonio exclaimed.

"Damn you tomato bastard!"

"Lovi what the f-" 

Y/N giggled.


Y/N was a smart little girl. It was surprising though, how close she was to her father.

One day, she was sitting there watching her father train. She had learned that what he was doing was called training and she wanted to impress her vati.


"Vati train!"

Feliciano came running when he heard his husband call for him.

"What-a is it?" he asked.

"Y/N talked." Ludwig responded.

"Vati train!"

"Awww! She is just like you."


Y/N was a shy little girl, though at times she could be very much like Gilbert. She tended to stick to Matthew.

One day, they were sitting on the couch watching hockey. Y/N wanted to make her mère proud.


"Are y-you trying to say something little maple?"

"M- maple!"

Matthew beamed with pride and had her repeat the word to her father.


Y/N's first words were more of a phrase. Followed by demonic 'Kolkolkol'ing.

She was very close to her father. She loved him a lot and wanted to make him proud.

The family was sitting on the couch when she tried to speak.


"Dude! I think she's trying to speak!"

"Magic Metal Pipe of Pain! Kolkolkol"

Alfred freaked out because his daughter was surrounded by a purple aura. Russia however, looked extremely proud.

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