"You'll have to go by the stage if you want to see Daddy Dearest, he's battling a young man right now." The Mom greeted me at the door of their ginormous mansion.

"Oh, well I'll stop by there then. How have you been The Mom?" I inquired about her well being.

"Oh it's the same old dear, except that the boy is trying to win our permission to date our daughter." Her red eyes looked to the side, showing her distaste for the unknown male.

"Well he'll have to work hard to get Daddy Dearest and your permission. It was great seeing you again, I'll get going." Turning to leave, I was stopped by her calling out to me.

"It's a good distance from here, how about you take the limousine there? Dumb.png should be going to get him anyway." She pointed, her long red nails connected to the black limousine in the driveway.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it!" I said my farewells and boarded the car.

It wasn't a long drive, but it was a nice one. I couldn't remember the last time I felt the wind blow through my rose hair like that.

We arrived at the stage, right as they were starting what I assumed to be the last song.

I quickly got off and hurried to the stage to see the final battle, getting a good look at the scene.

Girlfriend was sitting on the large speaker, cheering on a short boy that had a blue haired boy while Daddy Dearest stood there glaring at him, his red eyes attempting to pierce his body.

Soon the music started and the final battle began.

I stood there amazed, the boy actually beat Daddy Dearest. Girlfriend was congratulating the boy as Daddy Dearest held out his hand.

"I may have been beaten, but you'll have to beat many more before you have my consent to date her." He shook hands with the short boy.

"Take care dear, call me when you want to come home." He turned to his daughter before walking off stage.

"Daddy Dearest!" I called out to him, running to him in a flash.

"Oh Claire! How have you been?" He ruffled my hair with a smile.

"Same old, same old." I joked as I fixed my hair. "Who was that you were battling against?" My gaze connected with the short male that was hugging Girlfriend.

"He calls himself Boyfriend. He recently started dating her, but he won't have my permission unless he beats many more." He clenched his fists as he glared at him.

"Well, you have to give him props for being willing to battle you to get your permission. You're going to hire people to battle him right?" I giggled when I gave the suggestion.

"You know me too well." He chuckled.

"I just came by to say hi, I have something to do and it's getting kinda late." I looked over to the setting sun in the distance.

"I'll give you a ride back home." We walked back to the limousine as he took out his phone to call someone.

"Actually, could you just drop me off by the Cafe? I have something to do around there." I took my seat as Daddy Dearest continued his call.

"Sure, just make sure you make it back safe. Give me a call when you do." I hummed in agreement as the limousine sped off.

🌙Friday Night🌙

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now