Chapter Two

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How the sultry music around seemed to fade, I had no idea.

How the iridescent yellow of the man's eyes I stumbled into revealed my life like tarot cards, I have no clue.

Eyes that were painted like crystals by God himself, were not one set color.  Sunset and Cabernet swirled in his irises,  A dizzying current came along and rushed my annoyance away.


Two, almost identical scars framed the skin underneath his eyes, Trying to read the messages that rested between his pupils and the skin under it.  His lips held a similar scar the cut all the way through,

Sculpted and rigid were his facial features with a trace of elegance that trimmed him.

Who was this man?

I forgot it all. I  forget about myself, Rillian, everything for a moment.

Only a moment ago was this man the most beautiful man I'd ever seen.

For a second ,the edge of his pirate-like features startled my senses.  For a whole minute, the chocolate-brown of his long hair urged me to caress it, him. ​

"Woman, stop dreaming of pretty purses and watch where you are going" The beautiful man growled out.

Wait, what? His beauty almost made it impossible to register that he just insulted me doubly in one sentence.

What I did was an honest mistake, he didn't have to be so bitter with me about it. ​

"I have a name, Man" I returned the jab. "I don't need to dream of pretty purses when I can afford them all"
He smoothed his hand down his clean-cut black leather blazer, I followed his hand until it reached his pant pocket.
"You got some spunk, don't you? All fire and with no outlet to let it out..."
I jerked my chin at this disgustingly stunning man, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Forget it, have we met before?" the rude stranger asked me, staring at me as if I was a bizarre equation. I didn't inquire into his question. He probably was just trying to mess with me.

Rolling my eyes at him, I made my way over to Rillian to tell him to forget about the performance, my defiance to this stranger encouraged me to tell off Rillian too. I'd take my father's punishment, I just wanted to go home now.

I'm sure he will understand.

Taking my first step forward, an arm shot out to stop me. ​
"I asked you a question"
I pulled my arm back and scowled, "It's not a hobby of mine to answer questions from assholes"
He quirked the side of his mouth up, it ag graced me further.
"What a pleasant face to look at, so bad that shallow attitude had to accompany it" The stranger's hold was irritating but his smug smile made me twitch with something sinister.

Perhaps it was disgust.

His lips were perfectly thin but perfectly full, The scar that accompanied his upper lip made me wonder if his kisses felt different with the cut crossing them.

Oh my god, stop. Don't swim in such juvenile thoughts.

I am a twenty-three-year-old woman, I should be able to show some restraint.

"I don't have time for this. I have to go back to my boyfriend so if you'll permit me, get out of my way " I pursed my lips at him, glaring.

"Boyfriend, husband, girlfriend. I could care less, it only motivates me more. I like the thrill of the forbidden" A twisted smirk took ahold of him and me at that.

He spoke without fear, without insecurity. as if he already had me.

"Now you desire me? A moment ago, your words and attitude sang a different tune"

By Corruption I FallWhere stories live. Discover now