Quidditch World Cup Part 2

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"Freddie, it's your turn." You said turning around.

He strutted over and say in front of you.

"What do you want then Freddie?" You asked.

"You on top of me." He said smirking.

"Okay, you're getting a bit bold again now." You giggled.

"Fine. I want like a four leaf clover on my face" he paused, "please."

You painted his face white before painting on the clover, it wasn't as easy as George's but you tried your best none the less, "okay I'm done." You said holding up a mirror. He turned his face and inspected the paint on it, "it's perfect. thank you darling." He said before walking to the kitchen.

You soon after walked into your room, that you shared with Hermione and Ginny.

You looked in the body length mirror and inspected your outfit. You straightened out your skirt, pulled up your socks and tightened your shoe laces.

"Right everyone, time to head off." Arthur shouted, making everyone form in the living area, "please everyone be on there best behaviours, the entirety of the ministry is apparently here and I don't want to be made a fool of."

"The entirety of the ministry did you say?" You asked, fear filling your brain.

"Yes y/n, why?" Arthur replied, being clueless.

"Her father dad. Will he be here?" Fred questioned.

"Well I'm not sure, most likely but he's missed quite a few days at the ministry, possibly weeks."

You began walking out, turning your head sharply round every corner. He cant be here, he wouldn't come. I know it.

Arriving outside the stadium, you began to climb the stairs. Fred decided to go behind you, and he was the last person to climb the stairs. He said how he didn't want other people looking up your skirt as you climbed up, and he made a good point- maybe a skirt wasn't the best idea.

You still hadn't seen your father anywhere and it filled you with joy. However you did see someone who reminded you a lot of him,

"Blimey dad how far up are we?" Ron complained.

"Well put it this way. If it rains you'll be the first to know." Lucius freaking Malfoy.

"Father and I are in the ministers box, by personal invitation of Cornelius fudge himself." Draco boasted.

"Don't boast Draco." Lucius told the boy, hitting him with his cane in the process. You shouldn't fell bad for the little snob, but you did. No child should ever face what you did, but it concerned you that maybe Malfoy was.

"There's no need with these people, except you of course miss Bardot. Why don't you come down and sit with us- we're sure there will be a seat left." He said smiling up at you.

"I think I'll be fine thanks." You told him, beginning to turn.

You heard a noise coming from the railing, it was Lucius trapping Harry's hand, you walked over fairly quickly and lifted the cane off before he could pipe in another word.

As you got to your seats fireworks could be heard from everywhere. And lights blinded you.

"Excited are we darling." Fred said quite close to you.

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Fred's POV
I couldn't help but notice her eyes lighting up as soon as she saw the pitch, lights and fireworks. She carelessly looked so unbelievably hot. And that outfit, I could see so many eyes falling on her as she walked- but she didn't pay any attention.

Not too long after we stood against the railing the Irish came flying over our heads, she cheered like everyone else following their brooms with her eyes. George and I pointed out and named some of the players as they flied higher into the air, creating their mascot with fireworks.

Y/n's POV
The leprechaun began to dance, which mesmerised you more, god I love magic. Then a flash of red made it disperse.

The Bulgarians came through flowing through the pitch. You all cheered again, excited over the suspense.

"Who's that?" Ginny shouted, pointing to the Bulgarians seeker.

"That there is the best seeker in the world!"George yelled.

A loud chant of "Krum, Krum, Krum" was heard from the crowd, as a moving photo of one of the players lit up on the side of the stadium.

The minister of magic then began introducing the match and himself just before the game begun.

I don't feel as though I understand enough about the quidditch match to write and explain it so I'm doing a jump cut to after :P

-i <3

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora