Chapter 11: Shadow Realm

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The shadow army put up a good fight.

But three gods had defeated them before, millennium before. Five of them ripped through the army. Black smoke curled up into the sky from the armor on the ground, as if the armor was only a hollow shell for a deadly force inside.

Energy radiated from the gods. If one looked closely, they would be able to see a swarm of ghosts fighting alongside the gods.

But nothing could stand a chance against the five strongest beings in the universe, each wielding unfathomable power.

The alive knew that they could do nothing. They were too battered, too tired, too war-torn. It was time to step back.

Lui's muscled ached. He didn't let it show. He didn't wail about his injuries like a five-year-old. He was strong.

The five gods entered the shadow, fighting their way through the darkness.

Shu's eyes widened. Through his mind flashed his nightmare, as powerful and painful as a lightning bolt. "No!" he gasped, ear piercingly loud, but heard by no one.

Shadows swallowed the five gods, wrapping them up. Roars and growls echoed across the lands, but by then it was too late.

The gods were gone.

The warm aura of fire, which they didn't even know was there, had melted into the chilly coldness. The sun lighting the war plunged into the ground. Light was gone. The air was freezing. It seemed like the world had suddenly progressed millenniums. Moss crawled of the stones at visible speeds.

Red hot lava erupted from the shadows. Screams and shouts echoed across the warzone. Kings and commoners alike ran from the liquid fire. Even the Kaen Kingdom didn't not stay. Their immunity to heat and fire only went that far; lava would burn them and torch them instantly.

Fire caught onto a small whirlwind in the Whirlwind Valley. It was whipped up into the sky, into the clouds. It was a bright, fiery gold. The base of its flames was in the lava. It would never go out as long as the wind kept up. As so far, it seemed to be keeping up.

Every time the fire seemed to be burning out, the flames jumped up again. They bounced onto whirl after whirl, reaching towards the sky. The liquid fire tossed into the hair along with it. Sparks and rocks and drops of lava rained out of the sky.

Pitter, patter.

Crystals of frozen rain fell out of the sky. They stabbed the ground along with the fire.

Pitter, patter.

Some of the warriors could not leave their positions. The five princes, for one. They had clustered together, and now they were huddled under the only shelter there was. One sheltered route was blocked off by a river of lava, the other was blocked off by the shadow army. Everywhere else they went, they would get stabbed straight through the head then burnt to a crisp by the fire and ice. A few other kingdom warriors were trapped in various other places on the even more war-torn battlefield.

The shadows crept closer. Over the moss-covered stones, over the rivers, over the pillars of fire.

Pitter, patter.

The ice turned to rain. The fire turned to hail. They slammed down on the ground all around; a relentless show of power.

Zac's mind could barely interpret what had happened. The gods... are gone. No! It's not possible.

The darkness lunged forward, unrelenting.

Every prince knew for certain what would happen next.

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