Chapter 6: Curiosity Killed The Cat

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No one really noticed Ruway's disappearance until nightfall.

The sky had cleared of clouds just a couple hours after Ruway left. The snow was still falling, but sunlight bathed the hall and the adults declared school restarted again. The students dispersed to their dorms and school was set to start the next day.

Because of the hustle and bustle, everyone thought that he was just getting ready in the dorms.

Valt told Xander, though. The red giant didn't cry, but Valt could tell he was greatly upset. Valt told him about the events of the night before and how it spurred Ruway's decision to leave.

Once the adults realized Ruway was gone, it was too late for them to have much of a chance of finding him. But since he was a prince and he would almost certainly freeze outside, they sent out search parties.

"I wonder whether they will find him," Rantaro said. It was the first time he and Valt had spoken since the dark clouds cover the sky. Wakiya crossed his arms. "Out there? Certainly not. He's probably dead; it's so cold outside."

We'll only see him again if he comes back. Valt knew that with absolute certainty. Ruway was almost as strong as Xander. If he wasn't already, Ruway was probably heading out of the kingdoms.

"He's from Kaen Kingdom," Shu reminded them. "If he's cold he can just light a fire and the snow around him will melt." He flexed his hand. "Our fire is powerful."

"Oh, stop showing off," Wakiya grumbled under his breath.

"I wonder why he ran away," Zac said thoughtfully.

Eating at another table, Daigo knew why Ruway had run away. Attacking them, even when he didn't do it willingly, had brought a lot of guilt along with it. He remembered when Ryota had gotten really sick. Even though it wasn't his fault, Daigo felt so guilty sometimes he wondered why Ryota still talked to him. But seeing your own body hurt someone... that was a kind of guilt that would never go away. And there was Xander. Ruway knew he could betray his friends any time. He could hurt his best friend. And so he decided by running away, things would get better.

Things didn't exactly get better. The sky clearing was not something Ruway achieved by running away. It was the force against them deciding to let up there and give them some hope. They wanted to crush the kingdoms, get their revenge, and they didn't want the kingdoms to give up hope and stop fighting. Losing Ruway was depressing enough. The enemy had decided that in exchange for Ruway, the sky would clear.

Far away on the edge of the kingdoms, Ruway watched the sun go down. He wondered where he should go next. I want to see the gods, he thought. Maybe they can fix me.

He reached into his pack and opened a small book he owned, titled "Before Kingdom Come". It contained every small detail about the five gods. He flipped to the page where it described the first three gods leaving.

And like the sun ascended into the sky and disappeared into the clouds, the three beasts headed east until they reached the edge of the world, where they could go no further. Yet they did go further, slowly ascending into the sky until the were above the clouds, and there they disappeared into the heavens.

East, Ruway thought. That's where I need to go. I have to cross the kingdoms again though. Too bad I headed west first, where I thought the gods would go if they "died".

Sighing, he slung his pack over his shoulder again and headed onwards.

Far south in the Kaen Kingdom, King Hono had just learned of Ruway's disappearance. Both he and Ruway's parents were very angry. King Hono wrote a letter to the king of the Heiwa Kingdom, dictating exactly how furious he was.

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