Chapter 8: Our Phase One

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"Well?" Shu asked nervously.

"Alright," he said grumpily. "You may go. I will ask the kings to send a messenger for you children." He turned his back on them. Discussion over.

Shu's mind was racing with excitement, although he kept his calm outer shell on. I finally get to leave the Anzen. I can finally meet my parents.

He was pretty sure he and the others were only granted this privilege because they were princes and the Anzen didn't want to anger the other kingdoms further, but at that point, he didn't care.

"Stop fidgeting," Lui grumbled, elbowing him in the side. They were heading out of the Anzen grounds, preparing to meet the kings of their respective kingdoms. Now, actually heading out, Shu's heart was pounding.

Lucky Zac and Free. They can keep each other company.

"You remember the plan?" Daigo asked yet again. Shu nodded. He had reviewed it hundreds of times the night before; he knew it by heart. He, Lui, and Valt had carefully constructed a plan last night. They had made sure everything was almost failsafe. They figured out how to hand out Shu's fire, how to give Shu Lui's ice without it melting in his hands; everything, really.

His mind skittered over the jars of flame in everybody's packs but his. Is there enough to burn down at least the weaponry and the armory? What if I didn't give them enough? Is it so intense it'll hurt them? He knew that the flames could only escape once opened, and that if any of his friends were too close, they would be ashes.

Then he thought about the jar of solid ice in his pack. Lui had made sure it was strong enough to freeze Kaen Kingdom and turn everything into ice once released, and that it would turn everything to ice so the weapons would be useless.. For some reason, Shu doubted his power more than he doubted Lui's.

"Wait for me!" Valt shouted, hurrying out of the building. Shu exhaled, relieved. He had wondered for a moment whether Valt had forgotten that he had to come with Shu that day.

"Prince Valt," Shu's escort sighed. "Why are you coming?"

Valt lifted his head defiantly. "King Hono said yes, so there!"

The reason Valt was going to only Kaen Kingdom was not only because none of the others would let him go and Shu was his best friend, but because there were rumors Shu's parents cared about him the least. If they blamed him for freezing the whole kingdom, Valt could calm them down.

The walk to the southern Kaen Kingdom wasn't very far. The palace was in the northern area of the kingdom, so it was about an hour long walk from the Anzen to the palace instead of even longer.

The escort led them to the back door of the palace, where he unlocked the doors and entered. He gestured towards a set of imposing wooden doors, which must have led to the throne room. "They're waiting for you."

"Wait," Shu said politely. The escort tipped his head. "Yes?"

Shu hesitated. "It's just... I heard in the Anzen something bad may happen here soon. I just want to make sure the citizens are safe."

Without another word, he and Valt entered the throne room.

King Hono was a tall man. He had fiery red eyes unlike Shu's, but Shu had apparently inherited his white hair from his father. Shu's mother had given him her crimson eyes, but her hair was long and dark. Both wore an expression of uninterest on their faces, although his mother's seemed slightly kinder.

Do they really hate me? Shu wondered.

"I'm Shu Kurenai," he said confidently, trying to mask his nervousness. "And I am your son."

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