Chapter 7: Prepare For War

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When the kings of the Mizore and Kaen Kingdoms learned that a prince from their kingdom had disappeared, they were furious, King Hono especially so, as two of his princes had disappeared under the protection of the Anzen. But King Ryu of the Mizore Kingdom had an icy soul and a burning anger, and losing his son made that flame erupt into a raging inferno.

So when King Kento asked them to meet with him in the palace of the Heiwa Kingdom, all that could be heard from the neighboring rooms was shouting.

"How dare you lose the heir of the Mizore Kingdom!" King Ryu shouted. A cold fire burned in his violet eyes.

King Hono was reasonably calmer, but he was also extremely angry. "When you lost Ruway," he said, tone steely, "I gave you a chance to find him and make sure none the Kaen citizens disappeared from the Anzen again. And now I find that my own son is missing, possibly killed. How can I trust you anymore?"

"Give us one more chance," the Heiwa queen pleaded. "If another student goes missing before we find the princes, you may talk to the other kings and decide what to do. But please, don't attack this kingdom. We want peace, not war. That was the whole point of the Anzen!"

"And it failed," Ryu said coldly. "But fine. One more chance."

Reluctantly, Hono agreed too.

"One more chance," Kento promised.

Back in the Anzen, the murderer walked the darkest halls of the school, making sure his new victims followed. One was limp and didn't fight back, while the other struggled and growled and kicked.

He was really making his life harder.

Finally finally finally, they came across the hallway the murderer was looking for. Carefully, he lifted a windowpane and its frame.

What was special about this window was that it looked like a window, but if it was lifted there was no hole to the outside. Instead, a friend from the Kage Kingdom had worked some magic and there was a tunnel leading underground instead.

The murderer dragged both of his new victims down into the tunnel and left them in the room he had left the others. "Have fun," he told them.

As he left, he locked the door of the room and slid the window back into place.

They're going to be in there for a long time.

Down in the room, the two new victims struggled against their bonds, trying to break free now that the murderer was gone.

"It's no use," one of the prisoners there said. "We've been stuck down here since last night." His shirt was bloodstained and a small knife lay beside him, just out of reach.

"Shu?" Daigo whispered. "You're down here?"

"Yeah," Lui interjected. "You're lucky you haven't been stabbed."

"Stabbed?" Zac gasped. "Why? Why are we down here?"

"Oh, we know," Shu said. "This murderer killed two of King Kento's subjects. That was phase one. Next step: capturing the princes from the other kingdoms so the kings will turn against the Heiwa Kingdom and the war will start."

"A war?" Zac cried dramatically. "No way!"

"Sure it'll happen," Lui said, just a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Unless you don't know, everybody knows that the kingdoms love to be powerful. They're not going to back down unless someone burns them alive."

Daigo sighed. "We have to get out to stop a war. How long do you think we have?"

"About a day when the kingdoms get ready to attack. Maybe two if they want to warn the Heiwa Kingdom that they've crossed the line," Shu said.

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