•Chapter Eleven• Moving Out

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The day of my eighteenth birthday turned out to be the worst day possible. I had been so excited and had rushed home to shower and get ready for the traditional birthday celebration with Tristan. But what I got instead left me sitting in the living room with tears staining my cheeks for close to an hour.

I finally forced myself to go down to my room, pack a duffle bag with a few days worth of clothes. Next, I packed everything I could and hid everything in the closet. I knew that anything that was left, I could pack quickly when I came back for my things. I couldn't take anymore, I knew I had to move out and move on. I'd spent too much time hoping for something I knew would never come true.

Once I was satisfied, I sat down and found the talent agent's business card, then gave him a call. "Uh, hi, " I said awkwardly into the phone when I was put through to his line by his secretary. "You gave me your card at the Greatview Mall a few weeks ago, " I began but that's as far as I got.

"Of course, I remember you!" He replied enthusiastically. "Does this mean you're interested?" 

I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me. "I'd like more information, " I said instead. We set up an appointment for the following day at three-thirty pm. After I hung up the phone, I went into the bathroom to blow my nose and wash my face. Once done, I gathered my things and left the house without a backward glance.

I spent that night, mostly crying, at Genie's place. The next day was graduation, so Genie and I left for school for the last time, anxious to get the day over with. After that, I had Genie accompany me to my appointment with the talent agent. Once we were satisfied that the guy was legit, I signed the contract he placed in front of me.

"Hang on, " Larry said after he looked at the contract, then looked up at me with incredulity. "Your name is Andie Marie Spruce?"

"Yes, " I replied softly as I watched the shock in his eyes change to sadness before he spoke again.

"And your mother, what's her name?" He asked next, there was hope in his voice.

"Sandra Melvin, " I stated, already knowing where this was leading. I'd noticed the pictures he had on a wall to my left and I had to admit that I looked like him.

Larry jumped to his feet, his whole body trembling as tears fell from his eyes, his mouth opening and closing without a single sound. "You're my father, aren't you?" I finally asked since he seemed frozen to the spot and lost his ability to speak.

A few days later, with Genie, her boyfriend Justin, and two other guys, I returned home to pack the rest of my things and move them out. I knew that Tristan would be at a book signing with Madison. It gave me about three hours to get my stuff and be out before they got back. I was done in less than an hour. Once I was done, I took out a letter, set it on the dresser, and walked out quickly.

It hurt knowing that I was leaving the only home I had known for the last ten years but I knew it was for the best. Tristan didn't need me in his life anymore, nor did he want me around by the looks of things. I loved him but I wanted him to be happy. The time had come for me to let him go and get over him once and for all.

I promised myself that day that I would never see Tristan again, there was no point. After all, I had become a burden to him. It was time for a new beginning for both of us. That meant we needed to go our separate ways and never look back. I was grateful to him but I didn't want to continue to hope he will return my feelings one day. With those thoughts in mind, I made Genie promise not to give him my new address or phone number.


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